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Problem With My Maggura's

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i have noticed that one of the pads on my rear maggura doesnt return all of the way back

it sticks out a bit, not rubbing on the rim but only returns a very small amount.

where as the other one goes out then completly back again no trouble at all

i was woundering if any one else has had this problem/knows how to solve it?

cheers for your time any information would be great :)

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i have noticed that one of the pads on my rear maggura doesnt return all of the way back

it sticks out a bit, not rubbing on the rim but only returns a very small amount.

where as the other one goes out then completly back again no trouble at all

i was woundering if any one else has had this problem/knows how to solve it?

cheers for your time any information would be great :)


Have you checked your pistons ?

and are your brakes set up correctly ?


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its just your TPA mate. when your TPA is tightened up only one of the pads will move closer to the rim. i have the same problem on my brake, its pants, it would be alot better if they both moved.

cheers lou.

ah ok thats odd

il have a look when i ajust them next and move one of the calipers out a bit so i can get my wheel centre without having a pad sticking

and il also have a a go at what every one else said.

cheers for that guys il keep you posted as soon as i have moved the brakes and changed the tpa.

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With magura's you will nearly always get one piston that moves more easily than the other. If you find that the pad is rubbing against the rim because of this I have a way to get round it:

Its a bit of a bodge but I have used this method for years and it works a treat.

Get a cable tie and rap it around the caliper body on the side where the pad is returning right back into the caliper and do it up tight in a position that stops the pad from retracting completely. This encourages the other more sticky piston to move and pull the pad away from the rim meaning it won't rub any more. In order to get it spot on you will probably have to jiggle the cable tie about a bit and you may have to change the position of the cable tie if you adjust the TPA.

I hope I have explained this alright.

Happy Braking!

Edited by Peaky
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