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T-pro Colour Co-ordination?

Captain Scarlet

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Okay guys, I've recently got a T-Pro frame, and look for a new rear wheel. (If anyone has one, please PM me)

Before I buy, I just want to choose a colour as I want all the parts in the future to be the same colour, or of contrasting colour, to fit the colour co-ordination.

I just need some inspiration as to what colour it is, there are so many choices and I really can't imagine what they would look like.

So just post up your pictures of your T-Pro here, to get my mind flowing.



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Dont be gay and do all the colour coded stuff personally i think it ends up looking tacky as people go to far. Just go for black or silver parts because its alot harder to sell on a coloured part than a nuetral coloured part that will go with any colour. And looks nice simple and clean. Its anoying when someone is interested in a part you have and says what colour is it and you say red for example and they dont want it because its the wrong colour where as silver blacks goes with every colour.

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My old one, miss it :( Bit costly to get it like that, but it was f**king nice if you ask me :P

Some people did disagree saying 'too many colours'...but you know....f**k em. Your bike, do what you like with it :)

Edited by anzo
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Just make sure you do it tastyfully, I have a coloured bike as I think if I am paying all that money, I want it to look nice. Check my bike, will get some better pictures up soon as its got red bars, cranks, booster mounts rims and hubs, but I do not think its too much as there is a lot of silver and black to compliment it.

Pick 2/3 main colours such as silvedr red and black or blue white and black. Then stay to it, make sure its tasteful and not too much colour in one area.

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Surely its how something preforms rather than looks though. Yeah it nice to have a bike that is eye pleaseing to you but its the riding that counts, what your bike looks like won't get you a sponosrship its how you ride that will. So theres no point getting the parts that are all colourfull but not necesarily the best part. But i supose that doesn't matter all that much these days as because most companys are doing things in all colours these days. I just think people focus to much on how a bike looks these days.

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But if you pay £280 for a king, why would you want it to be boring and black when you are offered a nice range of colours?

Black isn't boring its stealth. Because chances are when you come to sell it and some ones looking for one theres a bigger chance they dont want it in the your personal colour choice than there is if you got a neutral colour. Dont really have problem with coloured rims because chances are you will change them anyway due to dieing eventually. Put it this way if you was looking for a king on here and you had a blue colour scheme on your bike, the chances of a blue one coming up arent that big as theres quite a few colours you can get kings in, but if a black one came up i bet you would consider it because black goes with any colour and there are slim chances that a blue one will turn up. When your pating such alot of money for the example you give such as a king theres no point in my view going on inpulse and going for a colour because you could regret it when may be trying to sell it or you fancy a diff colour code. So thats why i think when your buying the expensive parts and the main parts on a bike that arnt replaced every so often you should go neutral, and if you do want a colour then do something that isnt going to be pocket emptying to replace like rims.

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Surely its how something preforms rather than looks though. Yeah it nice to have a bike that is eye pleaseing to you but its the riding that counts, what your bike looks like won't get you a sponosrship its how you ride that will.

Well, to be honest I, for example, am a terrible rider, but yet I have a bike WAY beyond my capabilites in about the price range of £2k. In my opinion it looks the dogs bollocks, and it should for much I've spent on it...obviously you get the comments like 'f**king ell, you don't need such and such, you're not that good'...but who gives a f**k, I've got the money to spend on a bike, so I will.

Not everyone is out to 'get sponsered'. Some people do ride for fun, me for example, I couldn't really give a toss about sponsership, competitions or any of that stuff, for me riding is just for fun, something to do when I'm not in the pub or at work...and building a good looking bike is a part of that fun.

A good bike is one that stands out, a bike that someone who has no clue about trials bike can just assume is good on looks alone...for me thats half the fun!

Seriously though, do what the f**k with your bike, its yours after all and you'll be paying out to get it how YOU want it, not how some lad who lives 300 miles away thinks it should look.

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Yeah it nice to have a bike that is eye pleaseing to you but its the riding that counts, what your bike looks like won't get you a sponosrship its how you ride that will.

I think what counts is how much fun doing trials gives you. Riding is fun, having a pimp bike is also fun. I simply detest people who treat trials as the most important thing in their life, ride only to get better and talk about nothing else.

It's the personality that counts, not the skills ^_^

edit: missing the point, arent i ?

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White and shiny with matte black hardware IMHO looks very cool in classy kind of way

Satin black with chrome/polished is similar but more stealthy

Olive green/grey/brown sort of colours can look good without screaming 'look at me'

Or go for something a bit more flash, I'm powder coating my Monty in black with a holographic flake (when the powder turns up from the states :() should be a bit different, don;t know if it will be a bit much really, but if it is I'll go over it in translucent black to tone the flake down a bit.

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Well, to be honest I, for example, am a terrible rider, but yet I have a bike WAY beyond my capabilites in about the price range of £2k. In my opinion it looks the dogs bollocks, and it should for much I've spent on it...obviously you get the comments like 'f**king ell, you don't need such and such, you're not that good'...but who gives a f**k, I've got the money to spend on a bike, so I will.

Not everyone is out to 'get sponsered'. Some people do ride for fun, me for example, I couldn't really give a toss about sponsership, competitions or any of that stuff, for me riding is just for fun, something to do when I'm not in the pub or at work...and building a good looking bike is a part of that fun.

A good bike is one that stands out, a bike that someone who has no clue about trials bike can just assume is good on looks alone...for me thats half the fun!

Seriously though, do what the f**k with your bike, its yours after all and you'll be paying out to get it how YOU want it, not how some lad who lives 300 miles away thinks it should look.

I can totally understand what your saying and its just that i dont have money to throw around so i see the sensible things when buying stuff like why i was saying it would be easier to sell on. I was just trying to say really dont focus to much on how your bike looks think of the other factors about how it will ride, I agree part of the fun is also having your bike looking real hot but also to me im just happy to have a bike working and riding nice how it looks comes 2nd to me.

I dont ride to get sponsored at all, as i doubt youve ever seen a proper video of me ive been in the odd one but never have i made a proper video of meself. I ride for the fun it gives me and the mates that ive met through it and will continue to make more hopefully. And also ride to push myself to do the best i can and do meself proud when i nail something. But would love to be sponsored as it would help out with the financial side of things, but i dont go out especially to get sponsored.

I agree its his bike so he should do what the f**k he wants, but was just trying to say dont get to hooked on how it all looks and think of the practical things.

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I can totally understand what your saying and its just that i dont have money to throw around so i see the sensible things when buying stuff like why i was saying it would be easier to sell on. I was just trying to say really dont focus to much on how your bike looks think of the other factors about how it will ride, I agree part of the fun is also having your bike looking real hot but also to me im just happy to have a bike working and riding nice how it looks comes 2nd to me.

I dont ride to get sponsored at all, as i doubt youve ever seen a proper video of me ive been in the odd one but never have i made a proper video of meself. I ride for the fun it gives me and the mates that ive met through it and will continue to make more hopefully. And also ride to push myself to do the best i can and do meself proud when i nail something. But would love to be sponsored as it would help out with the financial side of things, but i dont go out especially to get sponsored.

I agree its his bike so he should do what the f**k he wants, but was just trying to say dont get to hooked on how it all looks and think of the practical things.

I read somewhere that when you have something new your body is excited and you release some kind of endorphins that make you happy, same as when you go out shopping for new clothes/toys etc. The rush these endorphins give actually increase your performance on your bike by something like up to 30% (f**k knows how they worked it out, thats what they wrote though). So actually, a bike that looks nice and that really gets you excited when you see it, will actually help make you a better rider.

So much for the doesn't matter how it looks but how you ride it theory ;)

I'm not one for colour co-ordination really myself, the most i have is blue rimtape and a blue front skewer. But my parts are all good ones and i love how it looks so i'm a happy bunny. Its the same with most things though, don't go over the top or you'll look like a tit. Just pick your favourite colour and go for it. Black silver and green are the most common parts to sell on though so if its one of those then its a bonus.

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