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What Shall I Do To This?

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You sly git ^_^, a good mate of mine was planning to buy that T-pro. Really good deal you got yourself there(I bet he's really kicking himself now :lol:). I would upgrade the freewheel, bar, stem and break pads (Y).

Edited by mr ?
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leave it alone mate best way just ride till sumthing dies but dont get the same thing that is broken get a upgrade of it then it will last longer (Y)

yep thats the rule i cinda follow, (Y)

ps, the freewheel will go first bay, because its a bmx one and the lock ring is the oposit way round

as it is suposed to be used on the rear, not the front. so if any thing when that brakes get a tensile

freewheel, for 35 pounds, its a good buy mines still going strong, its also has more engagement points than

your currrent one, so you will get a bit more responce, and it will not come loose, like the acs, .


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Oh yeah, same with you Reece. Only giving advice from what I have read and isn't that the reason some people post on this forum. ADVICE!!!

the point that you have never used them parts and thats why people get anoyed on this forum because people always say use this use that when they have never had them before. im trying to help the guy who created this topic rather than have an argument courtney, i was tellin the topic creator that your post is bogus!

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the point that you have never used them parts and thats why people get anoyed on this forum because people always say use this use that when they have never had them before. im trying to help the guy who created this topic rather than have an argument courtney, i was tellin the topic creator that your post is bogus!

Look, I'm just going with what the majority of riders use that have been tried, tested and proven. Does this sound like an opinion by myself of the parts I said?

I would upgrade the forks. bars and stem. I am going to do the exact same to my T-Pro.

Maybe Echo Lite forks: light and at a cheap price point compared to other forks. You can also get them in a variety of different combinations of mounts (disc only, HS33 only or HS33/Disc mounts).

And for the bars and stem, Echo Team stem and Zoo! riser bars. A recommended combination for a Mod used by many riders.

Looks to me it isn't.

Edited by whostheman_121
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to make most impact on this thread and to ditto what I have already said as well as most people.

Only buy new bits for your bike if your current ones brake.

You probably won't need anything new for months.

I would upgrade the forks. bars and stem. I am going to do the exact same to my T-Pro.

Maybe Echo Lite forks: light and at a cheap price point compared to other forks. You can also get them in a variety of different combinations of mounts (disc only, HS33 only or HS33/Disc mounts).

And for the bars and stem, Echo Team stem and Zoo! riser bars. A recommended combination for a Mod used by many riders.

Haven't you ever heard of the saying, don't judge a book by its cover, the only way you know if something is good is trying it by yourself.

Example being, Ali C will say that V-brakes are the best around, but that doesn't mean they are.

Its called an opinion Courtney.

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Look, I'm just going with what the majority of riders use that have been tried, tested and proven. Does this sound like an opinion by myself of the parts I said?

since when have you spoke to people and found the "majority" of people use. the only person you know with that set-up is marcus, hmm, sounds like someones becoming of a bit of a copy cat

edit: to the dude who made this topic: most people who actually ride trials seriously have advised you to not upgrade and wait and see whats gone wrong, thats exactly what ive done as im just getting a new hub because mine has broken (Y)

its not hard to work out whos The Noob and whos not so use your brain and ignore Certain posts. thats all :D

Edited by braintreetrials
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