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Everything posted by Echo-Scott

  1. Echo-Scott

    Scott Davidson Vid 2

    My second vid
  2. £300-£500 Im 18 3 frames(Just bought a new one the other day so its not really been used)
  3. That Kyle's stuff? Im pretty sure he sent me that one but honestly cant remember his SC name.
  4. Trailer/Skateboard with a board nailed on top + Car/a mate whos not bothered about pushing a skateboard with pallets on it = Pallets
  5. Lets be honest. If your hopping, And going sideways. Its a sidehop. Not much more to it really.
  6. If anyone is online late at night/Early morning feel free to add me. Everyone seems to dissappear offline around 2 or 3 now. So im left by myself till silly hours till i acctully fall asleep. ScottLolz
  7. Anyone want a match, now? On till half 6, bored of sitting in silence playing it. Americans on bore me now. ScottLolz
  8. Now that I've started riding again(Kinda). Figured ill put a few pics of my Gu up of how it is now. Not much changes from before since its been sitting doing nothing for pretty much the last year or so. But yeah, Heres it now 06 Frame Lite Forks Echo Urban Rims Hope Pro III Front Hub Profile Back Nuc Stem Rage Bars
  9. The one I had a shot on rode pretty great. Smooth as hell. Did flex a bit at the rear mag, so a 2 bolt booster would probably be a good investment.
  10. Beast, ill be on the night if I'm at the misses. Wait till she falls asleep then its cod till I drop xD Should have gold back for tonight aswel
  11. It would be something rather funny to see. Yass, finally have someone to talk to late now xD Someone that's not American or 12 years old anyway
  12. Lol, mate got nuked in S&D the other night
  13. Someone add ScottLolz, it gets pretty boring when all my mates sign off at 11 to go to sleep and I end up playing a bunch of Americans that call me a douche for killing them... On a brighter note, getting gold back tomorrow I think xD
  14. Haha, thanks Hopefully ill get a wee vid out soon. Won't be much, as expected I got shit over the past year or so of not riding >.< Damn, been up all night playing Modern Warefare and Assassins Creed all night. And to make things worse, my gold expired ages ago and I've just been making new accounts to get the month free everytime
  15. Wow, it been ages since I've posted here. Or on Tf atall actually. I've actually started riding again now xD
  16. Ooh, my mate got hers done the other day. Ill ask her later about it a little more and find out lol. I've got the image of a guy walking along now with a big massive green bogie handing from the hoop now haha.
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