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Rago muffin

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Everything posted by Rago muffin

  1. mark your laugh is very funny. cant wait for next ride!
  2. Yer tis miles away... oh wait i live in kentish town now not brixton not too fa away anymore... but for the average person who lives in new cross its a life time away lol... ill never forget when i had to cycle it and it took me way over an hour!!! wanna rid latimer rd? and that area? spots are calling and its near chais house and plus Mathew i still havent met you!? you always say your gonna come out on these london rides but i still not seen you
  3. i got new spots... mark you ever check that dope bit near latimer rd? plus, you riding mark!?!?!? please say yes huni, missin you tehe x
  4. did you pick up that rockstar in the end haha? i left it outside and it was gone when i returned home so if you didnt then someone did....
  5. people still ridin tomorrow?
  6. potentiall 1:30pm i might be out or earlier.
  7. yo, andrews at viki at the mo but theres some guys at south bank now, im leavin to meet them now, if you wanna come give me a call on 07835403877 peace
  8. Just wandering whose on it to ride tomoz? i know alot of people have said they wanna ride
  9. fresh vid! sorry i missed this one feel gutted as looks like everyone was there! next time though and mad LOLS at andrew at the end
  10. Safe bro, we met on sunday, give me a shout if you wanna ride again sometime soon grab me on facebook "Joel Bennett"
  11. try roads off waterloo rd (south of terms over waterloo bridge), theres loadsa place, failing that my driveway
  12. They look DOPE, id love to run a pair... but 150 for a pair of forks! fork that haha.
  13. Stop sharin london knowledge and come ride this weekend bro!!!! DOPE, you guys doin a late one? YES TOBIAS!
  14. saturday hehe if not i might come out after lunch timeish
  15. props man! well enjoyed
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