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Posts posted by dave85

  1. The new structure, to be unveiled by ministers in a consultation document published in the New Year

    Usual Daily Mail shite then, its not even a proposal, just a report. The people who really need f**king off the roads are daily mail readers who passed their driving tests when the biggest danger on the road was a horse and cart.

    Oh, and this isn't mine, altho I wouldnt mind one when I've scraped some cash together.


    A friend takes his one to off-road days with a little suzuki on a jeep dolly for his sons to play with. Sod four wheel drive, you need six wheel drive sometimes.

  2. I did actually change the lightbulb in my lamp yesterday evening, went without a hitch. I've put in a BnQ 60watt bulb, it's very bright and seems to illuminate the room very effectively.

    Useful things your lightbulbs, they give off heat even when they arent switched on :P

  3. That's part of what I'm saying, you have to consciously make the effort, perhaps spend some more money to get local stuff, altho round here farm produce is almost always cheaper than supermarkets by the time you've used a few quidsworth of jungle juice taking the car to tescos.

    Whatever, we've got to stop using so much energy in everything we do, and the only way to make the proletariat do that is make it pricey.

  4. It does seem to me that a lot of oil is used for carting things around the country simply because big brands create a market for one kind of thing. For example, beer. It's basically water, and less than 50 years ago it was never transported more than ten, maybe 15 miles from the brewery. Now it's trunked around the country simply because people want a certain brand and there are savings to be made by brewing on an industrial scale. To me, that is obscene, that we should cart water around.

    Same goes for a lot of stuff, never mind how cheap it is to go to lidl for a packet of biscuits, you know that the ones from the baker are probably better for you, and you know that supporting a local business will be beneficial to your community. But few people think like that, and some days it's really disheartening to consider that we live in a country of selfish morons.

    Having said that, I'm a huge f**king hipocrite, cos I drive a lorry for a living, and do so simply because I enjoy it :)

  5. thing is i have been texting her for like two weeks. things would be so much easier if i'd met her earlier than now then i won't be faced with the huge phine bill which im now faced with. im seriously considering sending it to her lol

    Have I missed something?

    You've been talking to her perfectly happily for two weeks, meaning either she's interesting or you thought you were going to get some. Then you find she isnt quite what you thought, so you lie and ignore rather than being tactful and thoughtful.

    I didnt think anyone with half a brain and an ounce of soul could be that callous.

  6. Centimeters are the devil spawn and should be illegal :D :D :D

    Centimetres don't exist. They were promoted to make metric easy for children and numptys :P Just shows how scientific and impractical metric is.

  7. In my experience with this style of lever (where there's no ridge in the cylinder to hold the piston in like the old maguras had) if the piston isnt coming out far enough, it needs more fluid in the system.

  8. Still, if you buy a gas welder you can in an emergency use fluxed wire, if you buy a gasless you're f**ked. It aint that much harder to use a proper MIG plant than a gasless, and it's much more versatile. The only time gas loses out is if you're trying to weld in strong winds, and I doubt anyone mending a car for a hobby would be doing that.

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