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Everything posted by maxxis26

  1. looks like a cheep disk, and its been sandblasted so thats gona be one doddgy brake bet i wont grip on any pads hydo or cable, it looks like a pro max disk.
  2. should do there all standard 1/8 steerer, industry standard,mines got a fsa orbital pro went in no problem. all headsets are standard the difference is usually the cup depth and the deeper the better in my opinion, hope this helps
  3. have you got msn if so il add you and we can meet up and go ride
  4. im the one on the trials bike, it was a saracen before i broke it in half. lee has the suspention and shaun has the rigids and green frame p.s. dont ride cones it hurts
  5. sorry i didnt realise this was not allowed please accept my appoligies
  6. its from a while a go so its here for comedy rather than anything else comments appreciated http://www.bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashBoxId=1640450805
  7. im in holsworthy and know loads of places to ride, theres a big building site where they dump loads of crates and old wood from the house there building is a trials paridise, holsworthy is on the way to bude you have to go through to get there. would love to meet up for a ride when my frame gets here. add me to msn and we will meet up, il have a car soon so i could come and meet you and we could go find some-where new
  8. sound like a really nice build youve got giong on there but as for the bars i like koxx try-all they have a really nice feel when riding but everyone to there own i guess, id also like to mention the relutant half link chain looks great and i had one on my t-pro for bout 2 months never had a problem with it
  9. stuff on ebay and i will take offers and remove from ebay sale specialy for you <snip> cheers
  10. any drop, at the edge stand on back wheel crankflip, then drop while doing x up and lan with arms crossed, had with wide bars and i popped my sholder out but looks great will post vid soon,
  11. you need to put a pic on, not sure what you have done, most use the two bolt evo mount designed for a v brake fitting which uses m5 bolts, and the 4 bolt mount uses m4 bolts, if youve drilled and tapped a m4 bolt mount you will have done some removing of strenth from the mounts and they may crack appart,
  12. i had some made with skulls on them where magura sign is the way i told you, im not sure if you can get them for and company as i said i had mine custom made with a matching booster
  13. i like the idea of a try-all tyre where can i get one?
  14. i have both, and i prefer the 26 inch, its better for learning on, 20" bikes are really more for comp altough i use mine on the street, if your new to trials i would go for a 26 inch and the consider going to 20" after some experience
  15. funky tune, you look like a natural rider, all you need is a specific trial frame and a rigid fork and you will see your riding get better instantly
  16. t rex frames are very good , my mate had one for 2 years before it cracked, ive just brought one and going from his experience i think its a sound investment
  17. bike shops are pretty useless for trials, the most they usually have is maggies and thats if your lucky. mail order evey thing or buy it from here in the forums. im in devon and its hard to find local riders but check the location/rides forum there might be someone there you could meet with.
  18. ive got standard maggie pads on smooth dx32 rim no tar scares everyone when i come up behind them and gives amazing grip, ive tried planet x sticky pads but they lasted about 3 weeks before they wore out, im tempted to try koxx bloxx and good?
  19. try self healing tubes, i use a kenda at the mo 2.6 its big but ive never had a pinch flat and it dont weigh any more than a maxxis high roller or minion fld well to but run it around 25-30 psi
  20. find a aluminium factory type place look in google, find a friend with a 3d design program and get them to design you one.( i could) then visit the company and find out a price for a one of prototype give them the desigh and they wil make you one i did and mines one of a kind il send you a pic when i get me camera working
  21. cheers but what about a kenda or something ive heard there quite good
  22. tell you what mine dont sound like that, mine sounds like a two stroke moped when im riding i can actually hear mine click rather than yours
  23. ive always used maxxis high rollers but find them heavy and other good makes i could use for street that would take serious abuse, ive tried tioga and spit them into peices in 3 days mainly ride street but also ride the rocks at the beach(purrfect natural course) and help on narrowing down my choices thanxz
  24. profile are pretty good but i had the same problem and found out on a big drop(ouch) save up and go for a king ive had one for 7 months and never had a problem they rock
  25. zoo go for the zoo it will last longer than the echo there a nice ride but you have to like a really tight ride the echo seems to flex more than the zoo, when you ride a zoo you feel everything an know right where you back wheel is
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