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Status Updates posted by rab3481

  1. ah, the sound of police sirens. That must be the game finished... hopefully sometime soon i can finaly park my FU$%&NG VAN!

  2. does anyone have a copy of 'the subtle knife' i could borrow?

    1. isitafox


      Sorry dude but I do have a copy of The Obtuse Spoon...

  3. another sweet day riding! hopefully more tomorrow..... :-)

    1. FamilyBiker


      yeah spring knocking at the door finally!

  4. I just identified my dads body and still can't believe he's gone. He was out fishing on gladhouse resevoir last night with his friend drew yesterday afternoon and there was an accident. They didn't make it back to shore. He was a good friend as well as an amazing father. If my friends can let other people who knew him know as he had time for everybody and will be missed by many. thanks, Rab

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TrialsIsHard


      That's a horrible thing to have to go through. Thoughts go out to you and your family.

    3. Alex Dark

      Alex Dark

      Im so sorry to hear that mate, my dad passed away today so i know what youre going through. Message me if you want to talk.

    4. CalRobbo341


      Honestly I really hope your okay Alex, it's really sad to hear that he has gone. RIP x

  5. has finally snapped the rockman...

    1. AndrewEH1


      Oh noes! Wanna buy an Echo...hehe

      What happened/pictures?

  6. is wrestling EELS!

  7. Hi there,

    I'm going on a climbing trip to alicante in january and have decided to take my trials bike with me cos i always spy lines and get pissed off when i don't have a bike with me :-) I searched the forum and saw a bit where you mentioned alicante. Is there any obvious spots around about that area you could recommend? cheers, -Rab

  8. yeah man definitily! you up for the ride in glasgow on the 5th? it's on the forum rides section...

  9. Elite hurts but was fun and definately worth it! :-)

  10. my kindom for a tarty stem!

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