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Everything posted by mixmaker

  1. very old video - i saw it in sptember may be andrew - good!
  2. this is first vide o from siberia not all riders here not all we can here just test video - your opinion about riding, filming and editing http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/mixmaker file krasnoyarsk(-1)
  3. Fat Pants what music you like?
  4. mixmaker

    Phil Feeney

    very awesome tricker! good streeter!
  5. all right this is first real good video from Polska horoshee video ochen! mne ponravilos!
  6. http://biketrials.ru/board/viewtopic.php?t...07&lighter=
  7. mixmaker

    Who Is This?

    Evgeniy Leonidov from Zelenograd - not far from moscow bike - Stark Trial Team one of the strongest riders of Russia this video was recorded in 2005 year.
  8. как заебись что эти англечаненги нихуя не понимают и можно пошалить Эй, снобы английские мать вашу так ебись оно конем!:%) and where is the comments? guys - it's not bad video!
  9. Ну ебанный в рот! чо линки корявые даешь то? вот правильный this is correct link http://www.x-bikers.in.ua/video/all/2/V-L_...n(x-bikers).avi this is prorider of zoobike.com
  10. Relax guys!!! It just is summer of 2005 year!!! the video 2007 comming soon:) and you could wach the differences:)
  11. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/evgenyleo Sukhanov2005.wmv waiting for your comments guys:)
  12. Hi mates! Very good video from Russia again town - Zelenograd rider - Evgeniy Leonidov http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/evgenyleo file Zel_Extreme_2005.avi
  13. good riding but our Konstantin Chekin (15 y.o.) rides much more amazing:)
  14. i was wrong - i ordered +45 bb rise. - and just measured it - it's really +45!!! but one thing is bad - i was waiting for it 3 month!!!!! my comrade from estonia was waiting 4 month. but he got what ordered. just one bad exsample -one guy from moscow ordered Vee < but they made magura..
  15. subzero! don't be ruding me! it's few hd videos from russia! one man from TF told me he had see this video allready? but he was wrong! it's another video
  16. dynamic editing:) but simple riding
  17. people! you must to download this video! it's really cool video! crazy video!
  18. this is last video from 2006 year http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/BASH_HD USE FREE CODEC from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow
  19. Sorry, but it isn't "auch" video:) as you could read name of topic - just crashes! happy new year!
  20. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/shtuk file to download is "crashes!(2).avi"
  21. Ali C - molodec:)) very not bad really!!! well done! I like your video! as like not English style - nice stones, no urban!
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