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Everything posted by Ryan.

  1. Ayeeeee i was , picked it up from ryan and rode it for a bit in norwich before coming home.
  2. So after a year of no bike, i finally got my arse into gear and picked up this beaut of a close friend If anyone wants a spec just ask. Ryan
  3. Nice so back t mod for sunday then i guess??
  4. Ayeeee i'll be coming Is foster coming again adrian?
  5. Logical Conclusion - PocketRocket Really really like this album!!
  6. Hell yeah Anyone fancy gicing a floor to sleep on or something? I can pay in beers!
  7. Beast shame you didn't get actual footage of the forks snapping! And woot im in it...at the start wheelswaping
  8. Im usually on late most nights after work etc so i'll have a few games tomorow mate?
  9. Ryan.

    My Bikes

    lookin sweet man Gu is so swwet with the new forks on!!! Dibs on all mod parts btw
  10. Lol if i get enough riding footage i'll wack that in somewhere common people upload some footage!!!
  11. Ryan.


    Teethe falling out means you're scared of death.
  12. Well the demo was shit hot! I want it so bad!
  13. Jason you realise they unlocked zombies for everyone regardless of campaign completion lol
  14. Ah shit ben Has he got anything else to ride? It sucks to have a bike stolen
  15. Really good pics, Certainly captured the atmosphere of the ride.
  16. Kev whats your gamertag? Cod5 takes so much more skill and thats it! Onl reason i went back to cod4 fo so long was to no scope lol and i just quic scope the ptrs now!
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