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Everything posted by Ryan.

  1. Anyone know the geo of one?
  2. Do you not know of wally? He owns rimjam?
  3. Whats the tune home boi? Me thinks im baggzying a spot at yours in the summer and riding with you
  4. Pretty sweet man liked the intro
  5. Awesome jon some really consistent riding! And it's really got me in the mood to go riding!
  6. Ryan.

    Dan Ko

    he still owes me a black echo 07 rim from a year ago
  7. Right.... Since leaving my missus a month ago i've met 2 amazing girls. Girl A lives in chelmsford which is where im "hopefully" going to uni, same as her. She's really cool and we get on etc etc but recently she's become a bit obsessed to the point where i'm ignoring calls because i have nothing to talk about or i'm busy. Girl B i met beginning of last week and we just hit it off perfectly, she's two years older than me but we're both crazy about each other. Problem being she goes to uni in Newcastle but has the year off for a placement...so she's constantly living with either her dad in the same town as me, or in cornwall with her mum. Im stuck about what to do because i really like both the girls but since i met girl B, Girl A is kinda being pushed to the back of my mind...i don't wanna hurt either of them by saying i'm with someone else etc.Girl B is coming up for the first week of the easter hols...then i'm supposed to be going back with her for another week. And i'm met to be seeing girl A for the next weekend... Kinda confused as to what i want?!
  8. Ryan.

    New Bike

    Looks pretty sweet man! Spec?
  9. Ryan.

    Dan Ko

    My ninja speed wins again
  10. Ryan.

    Dan Ko

    It'll take a while....i hear they all walk sideways.
  11. Ryan.

    Band Name?

    PocketRocket?? Only kidding Jd
  12. Don't see i couldn't when i get my college holiday? Could get adrian to come aswell and i'd be well up for a pissup
  13. Sweet man! looking goooooood! You have no idea how pissed i was today!!! haha Love you babes! xxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Anyone up for a late one on cod 5 tonight?
  15. Was just thinking that, she's blatently a pimp in disguise.
  16. Then don't? I splt with my missus of a year and a bit. And not speaking to her since has made it so much easier!
  17. There you go bud - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Norwich-Pupp...iewas=670946673
  18. Yeah agreed, but it does make it amazing for up to fronts! Especially with the 203!
  19. Haha you got the puppet man in norwich....he's on facebook!!! haha it was cool to see some norwich spots!! Some big riding too boys getting good!
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