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Ghetto Rider

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Everything posted by Ghetto Rider

  1. Intrigue and respect are completely two different forms of mental attitude towards someone or something... You can be intrigue'd by them but when you say you respected him for killing over 30 innocent people who had done nothing wrong it's totally against common sence and human decency to make out "he was a good person"!
  2. NRA would never give up guns.... bloody yanks ruin everything!
  3. You're a right fcuking pri*k, if i find out who you are at a ride you're seriously in for a kicking after you said that - I promise that! - How can you respect someone who's killed over 30 people?? - You need to sort you head out before i do it with my feet!
  4. Wider rim's easier to balance on as they have a bigger "footprint" Dan
  5. It's the only way to know what you want!? - Ask people to have a try on their long or short bikes?? Dan
  6. I bought me one of these! Took it about 2 hours to bed in, didn't use dirty water or anything! - Just rode around know and then with my finger lightly on the brake and after a couple of hours was perfect! Don't rush it, be patient and it'll work!
  7. Superb! Well done Mate! - Deffo come to abingdon!!

  8. Yo Ash! Be my friend as my made me chuckle in Reading by annoying security guards.... respect! Big Up Mr K!

  9. Get a Hope braided hose! - They are awesome and look so cool!
  10. It's everyone's dream to get out of the Ghetto.... New link please!
  11. Was a laugh to see Ash annoying the guy next to BK shutting the door to the shop because of the asian music! Disgrace, Asian music on Easter sunday! pffft!
  12. Yes count me in - no doubt will bring other locals. Probably about 4 or 5 of us will turn up.
  13. Under your name on the left handside it has Hampshire - click that and it will show you! P.s - Use the search before asking questions that have been asked a thousand times before
  14. Was a good ride untill i snapped my chain tensioner.... was so gay!
  15. You know what they say - if theres dirt on the lip, ride trials?
  16. I thought we we're all kippin in you mum's bed ash?...
  17. I prefer to use Magura blood. It's fine to use alot of other liquid stuff but doesn't feel the same pulling the lever....
  18. Much better! Just needs a fine black line around the title words and it's ace!
  19. Phone your local council and ask to speak with someone?... Mates & I are looking for a barn or warehouse where we can store stuff to ride and also use it when the weather is awful!
  20. Kona P2's god i remember them from back in the day....... people are still trying to buy them eh!? lol
  21. It's totally up to you? - Ride with any people that have Control's, HIFI or Zoo Pitbull... If i was you, because you'd been riding MOD the ZOO will have a nice high bb to some comparison. And between HIFI and Control.... Control all the way, they are awesome frames and i want one after my Echo Pure 06 snaps! Hope that Helps? Dan
  22. Aww that sucks, sent you an email anyway... Putting Abingdon on the map right here baby!...
  23. Hey, Sounds cool. If your anywhere near Abingdon sometime my mate Ryan & I have potential if you want to come take some snaps?? I think you'll be surprised what we can do! Send me a PM sometime? Dan
  24. Looks good! Green outline on writing deffo needed! Good work
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