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Everything posted by da_bomb_bikes

  1. have you enterd any comps if so where,when and how did it go i am asking this because i would like to go and join in one but think im not good enough
  2. breaking my bike and not having enough money to get new parts:(
  3. they all make me want to ride but i cant have broke my crank
  4. middleburn try all tensile there all good and look cool but a bit oricey if you on budget
  5. kool i had whooooa he can bunny hop on one wheel!! i think he ment pedal hop lol
  6. hey mr ? is it 11:30 am? and i might come down see if matt p wants to come
  7. haha jusdt say how do you ride normally ? ( i sit on the seat) well then we dont
  8. if you dont like them ignor them and font watch them
  9. i ride with the ball of my foot i find that quite grippy .james
  10. would lay 20 quid down for you but its all been spend on my bike
  11. so sorry to be a pain how do you add a picture??
  12. haha put ill cable tie you to that lamp post if you dont shut it iv had your brakes soud crap why do you like them like it
  13. have added you i will take the wheels from bike
  14. i think i might buy a ready made one now listning to your experiences
  15. Also in reading we were riding near someones house, this bloke comes out and is like "what would you do or say if i was riding in your front garden!!??" - some one replied "arrrggghhh mate, spot on i'd join you!"
  16. hhmmm bigger=hurt smaller=soft and bouncey yeah its great lol
  17. lol funny times people! i was hoping onto some ones wall last weekend and they came out their house and was giving it all u want me to hop on ur wall do you! and we were like ok but if i had a wall at my house i would use mine inset of yours so u can go jump on it all you like!!!
  18. ok all, on tarty there is a set of monty 219 wheels 45 pound each and the look reasonable?
  19. yeah t bird all the way i think ta20 is an ugly bike
  20. hi, im thinking of getting a new wheel set and just thinking do i buy them or build them? what good wheel sets are there and how much? and what wheels have you built that you like? btw they need to be 20 inch thnx . james
  21. bit complecated but it helping thnx . james
  22. hi, i realy want to be able to side hop. i can just make a kurb but thats tiny and perthetic can some one please help me to go bigger thnx. james
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