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Monty Man Sam

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Everything posted by Monty Man Sam

  1. Yeah i think chelmsford will be good and hopefully the trains will be running
  2. Wikid just what we need a trials mag Great idea
  3. Look nice my mate is building up one of them
  4. www.myspace.com/drumadsam12 i think anyway
  5. I am feeling Chelmsford as that is the only place ive ridden and it was good.
  6. I would go but i am at a bbq in the afternoon so i cant make it which is a bummer
  7. I use adament pads with no grind and they work a treat.
  8. I use adament hs33's works like a charm
  9. Outside of chelmsford in a place called south woodham ferrers
  10. I dont think its a Photoshop because the tyre is compressing on the kurb
  11. I have heard that if you use 2 fingers on discs it can warp them so i use 1
  12. Is it me or can noone else see the picture because thay do not have bebo?
  13. Hi everyone Thought I'd let you know about a place to ride. Me and my friend went down to my local industrial estate for something to do when we stumbled acroos a few warehouses with pallettes. We went up to the manager and said ' Can we use some of your pallettes in your courtyard?' He said yeah why not? So we set up a few courses and he ame out and said 'you can back any time just as long as you clear away. So if you are bored and want something to do go to your local industrial estate, be polite and ask. Don't forget to take your helmet so they dont think your going to be stupid. Pictures of the course we made. Side angle of course Different angle Head on angle
  14. You are never too old to do anything. I know people who are starting and over 40
  15. Well if you have got the money go for it
  16. my mate has a dob magnesium and is so light
  17. Thanks for that just what i was looking for
  18. Are they standard clamp size or can any bas fit in them?
  19. is anyone actually gonna post a helpful post
  20. I am buying some foam grips and my limit £5 aand needs to be off of Tarty. Are Monty ones any good?
  21. Hi all, I need some help choosing some pads for my Hs33 rear. I have a few in mind but some people say they are good and some people dont and i dont know what to do. I am on a budget of £13 and want to get them off of Tarty or Trials-uk. Any help much appreciated.
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