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About brendan

  • Birthday 11/13/1989

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Brendan Le Foll
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    KH fusion street on CF base with Impact Naomi foam Try-all Reinforced Post KH09 rim on Exceed Ti hub Koxx ISIS light cranks KH longneck 08 frame Monty Eagle claw Wellgo MG-1
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Canterbury - UK

brendan's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. lol. that made me laugh. yes it's a unicycle
  2. yep as amanda said i'm going... if I remember to wake up
  3. well that's mine... not very conventional ;-)
  4. cheers for the pics mate! yeah tyre pressure was really hard can't really get much harder... got to work on softer landings! maybe i just like having a bent wheel though ;-) and craig I hope you recover soon!
  5. god those guys are gay... uhm right... party at yours on saturday night? ;-)
  6. hey! I'm in for saturday and sunday, and amanda is coming on the sunday ride I think, and i'm sure dan'll come for at least one fo the days!
  7. apparently I got told i was going.... This looks massive, hope you don't mind a one wheeler lagging behind... Luke you should have a party at yours ;-), and to anyone who asked wether bristol had stuff for everyone, well I can find stuff so i'm sure you will be able to!
  8. hey thanks for the comments, taunton was kinda of a one off, but yeah if i'm back there i'll give you a shout, as for this week i screwed up my foot quite bad, but amanda might be coming roudn tmrw or sommit so i'll give u a text luke
  9. Hey, just me and a friend messing around in taunton nothing serious, with a bristol shot from graham included. I didnt edit it, amanda did and i think it ended up pretty funny so i thought i'd share it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8pvwfRnt4M (if anyone is asking why i'm riding the green uni at some points, i got a flat on a brand new tube and ran out of patches)
  10. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=106160
  11. Trials unicycles use 36h rims, your best bet is to get a kris Holm 2007 drilled rim http://www.unicycle.co.uk/shop/shopdisplay...p?catalogid=883 or if you want super tough (koxx undrilled 47mm) http://www.unicycle.co.uk/shop/shopdisplay...p?catalogid=976 or not quite as wide 42mm this is what i use its 42.2mm a kris Holm 2005 or if you can find a nimbus Trials rim its the same without kris holm on it. These are actually the 2006 rims (even the ones labeled 2005, 2005 rims had a manufacturing default, but they never renamed them 06) http://www.einradladen.net/shop/show_produ...products_id=313
  12. i'll hopefully make it if u dont mind a one wheeler joining in with you guys.
  13. diggerland is near tiverton, its real crap dont recommend it but we got free entrie and free palet, got to drive a big JCB, but part from that its crap. Comp was awesome though cheers for all the nice comments, and for two wheels, i'd need to learn how to get on the back wheel first, for the moment i'm firmly on both ahaha.
  14. i thought about that, but it really isnt a bike. take a look at this tshirt. http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthrea...ght=it%27s+bike we get very offended by being called a "bike" oh and to answer a question from above i've been at it for 2yrs now. But only really 9 months doing trials seriously.
  15. Industrial estates are the best as someone said above, just go and ask them if you can have them. They have to pay to get rid of them so they are only happy to give them out. The blue ones (euro) palets are alot nicer, but usually the shop that has them is supposed to reuse/recycle them, so they arent usually willing to give them away. When i organised a trials unicycle comp we borrowed a whole load of blue euro palets from Stans robinsons. They delivered them and took them away for free (helps to have a friend that works for them )
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