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Everything posted by pogo

  1. I've got a set of disc only at the minute, a bit flexy but i've got full confidence in them and give them a beating, no problems as of yet
  2. A friend of mine had this problem with his tugs, the force exerted while kicking was bending the end seat, forcing the nut through the hole and also pulling the threads from the main washer, it might be worth converting to cams or getting beefed up tugs, horizontal dropouts aren't usually used with tensioners but you might fond an 74 kingz tensioner or spoke tensioner that would attach to the axle.
  3. This, get some off jack meek
  4. Yes, don't get it wet though, just get some decent pads or/and a grind
  5. Any justification for getting a guy to pay for a hub, new spokes and a rebuild for what would be an identical setup but with less engagement? If it works as it is then leave it, if you must you can consider getting different cranks that will allow a front freewheel to be used, the only alterations it will make would be the availability of different gear ratios and saving a bit of weight
  6. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  7. What's your setup at the minute?
  8. I'd give it an hour or two of just pedalling to get it tight then i just went for it, haven't had any problems since
  9. Death by tubing, what are the measurements of the handle bar and the internal of the stem?
  10. Always enjoy your edits, you seem to suit that comp really well
  11. pogo

    Trust Me!

    We can't all be as good as you.
  12. Plus wouldn't all that sealant sloshing around affect the feel of it?
  13. The stuff that is used in thin glass tubes that expands and contracts at different temperatures
  14. It was a viable topic but a stupid idea.
  15. Smash open a few thermometers
  16. Mercury? Please tell me that was a joke
  17. Hi rob What's the geo of the voodoo? looks more like a dirt jumper than trials
  18. try it in a syringe first so you can see the effects better
  19. If it's a 'thicker' oil it'd be like using treacle as brake fluid
  20. For the pressures involved in trials both fluids can be considered incompressable and oil is usually classed as less dense than water (oil floats on water) with the viscosity being the ease of which the fluid moves, any spongyness is usually due to a poor bleed or gasses diffusing through the liquid
  21. water is used because it has a lower viscosity making it easier to move.
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