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Everything posted by ..::littlesam::..

  1. mint riding there love, gonna ride soon you monster sam xx
  2. did that when i was like 10 lol worked fine.
  3. dont be, that vid was shite. you need to use either better software for your editing or get used to the one your using, also make your vid around the tune. not put some random song on it after you have piled all the clips in and saved it............
  4. dont like it. think it looks stupid. simple is the way forwards.
  5. dealt with him plenty of times a very trusty man
  6. Weighs 9.8kg atm, don't even know why I checked haha, comments? inaaa bit x rolf like you give a hairy shite???????????? looks monster mate ride soon double choc xx
  7. lmfao ahh dear why does everyone hate mine and mats style of riding? jesus always comes down to this s...............
  8. ask the police they will tell you
  9. fooo the slaaaagssssss lovin that mahoosiveee riding the from mr CCCCCCCCCCC viddd soon sleg Sam X
  10. i have just built up a because and i love it , i am a tgs rider i hate natural. and i love my new frame its mint for street.
  11. not bad, but why? why 5 in the morning lol.
  12. you havent seen many then........... good riding very controlled but holy chain tension.... sam
  13. i reckon someone is telling proky pies about this wrist job, he wasnt this good beofre his wrist injury and anyone goes shit when they dont ride for ages......
  14. mat smith you chat utter sh**, to be honest if this video had been accepted then you would easily of won those sidehops were huge!!!!!
  15. i cant believe your running rear disk, you fagggggggg. ahh dear well ride soon anyway
  16. i did this about 8 months ago, it broke the bone and i could not ride for f**king ages. however SPUNK did seem to put mine back so go for dannys idea
  17. nice little rant you went on there mikey haha, not bad vid some big stuff.
  18. ross that was beast that front to back on that wall :| lol liek mat said need to ride soon mate...
  19. lmfao grow up you tit, and i would like to see you bang mat........
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