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Everything posted by Sabiot

  1. I sure hope not, its disturbing to think there are birds flying around with laser eyes... /end thread derailment
  2. Nice vid man, good gaps. Real nice control. I chuckled when you were trying to balance with your foot on that wall. Looks like me when I try to trackstand anything at all. Not a fan of the music though, sorry. I had my Linkin Park phase when I was in highschool... never again.
  3. Oh yeah, do you guys have pikies too? Oh man that's awesome. Jibbering drunkards! I saw Snatch, that was a good movie. Do they seriously talk like that? I had to watch the movie three times before I understood anything Brad Pitt was saying
  4. I dunno man... better send it over to me for testing once you build it. Don't worry, no charge
  5. It must be said... the original "O Rly?" Owl is better. Although your terminator/borg bird is... interesting... :|
  6. Thanks for the link Rob, I hope you guys liked some of these. I know they're not really trials like we do but it's pretty close...
  7. Hey guys, right before I head off to work I thought I'd send this over. A few games I found that are trials related. They're not exactly what we do here but it's pretty fun either way. Mountain Bike Trials http://www.miniclip.com/games/trials-mountain-heights/en/ Bike Trials http://www.arcadetown.com/trialbike/gameinfo.asp Bike Trials Pro (Harder than original) http://www.arcadetown.com/trialbikepro/gameinfo.asp Bike Mania http://www.freewebarcade.com/game/bike-mania/ Bike Mania 2 http://www.bubblebox.com/game/sport/597.htm Bike Mania On Ice http://www.freewebarcade.com/game/bike-mania-on-ice/ I really like the bike mania games. Pretty fast paced and really fun riding up stuff. The first few are pretty hard though. Anyways, have fun! EDIT: Spelling.
  8. Welcome bro, lets see some vids!!! Oh yeah, have fun and stuff too!
  9. Sabiot

    Trials biking

    which one is you callum? Good video by the way. This is definately the thing that'll get you validated. People wanna see Callum riding and makin vids. This was pretty damn cool man. Keep it up bro, seriously, keep it up
  10. You guys all started back pedaling and slowing down on the slating as soon as the guy with "moderator" and "senior member" in their title started posting in page 3. Honestly, if you guys don't have anything productive to say in NMC (I'm talking to full members here) then get the f*ck out. Seriously. You're making yourself, this forum and this sport look like sh*t when you do this. You're not better than anyone, don't kid yourself. I've been riding for about 2 months now. I was validated pretty damn quick if I do say so. It only took about 2-3 posts and I was validated. After making a few posts in the full members chat I've quickly come to realize that I should be posting in the NMC (that's New Members Chat for you grammar nazis) because I am new and I do need newbie type help! I'd like to think I want my first trials bike to be a mod, but I don't know for sure. Who has the strongest forks at a somewhat lower price than top of the line? Who has the best frame? Who has the best brake levers? I don't f*cking know, but I do know that I'd think twice about asking anyone in the Full Members Chat for any help with anything like that. Really guys, we do have a double standard. In the FMC it's pretty laid back and most people are pretty cool there. There are a few pretentious riders, yeah. There are a few arrogant riders, yeah. But more or less it's a helpful place where if you search and post a topic and actually write "hey I searched for this but couldn't find the answers I was looking for" people are pretty cool. A while back someone said something about people in NMC not wanting to search for too long because: 1) It takes ages to weed through the ridiculous amounts of irrelevant posts 2) It's more fun, direct and exciting waiting for responses to your post. I know the first one I made here I was checking back every 10-15mins because I was super excited at what people were going to say to me. I guess my point is, if you don't have anything productive to say in NMC, get out of it. You know who you are so don't start looking around like the guilty guy is the one sitting in the back of the classroom. It's you, you know it's you. Stop being a pr*ck. Think about it, when you first picked up a bike (any bike) and thought to yourself that trials was cool, were you as good as you are now? No. No you weren't. Everyone was new sometime. Reflect on that. EDIT: I didn't know that B ) is an emoticon... had to change the list to numbers. A and B sounds so much more... lecture...y... yeah
  11. good post man... Hope there aren't many people I've offended so far...
  12. Good video man. I like it. Keep it at it bro! But yeah, get a helmet...
  13. I haven't tried maguras yet, but I'd like to. At this point I definately like disks more. Avid is a hell of a brand. Do maggies really screech all the time when you use them? I just thought it was from gaps and stuff where you're stopping with some force and the brakes are locked on.
  14. I'm working on manuals, bunnyhops and taps lately. I can do a very very short manual but the wheel comes right down usually. If I do get near my balance point I feel like I'm falling over and tend to either brake or lean forward a bit to put the front wheel down. I'll get this, it's just gunna take a few months. Bunnyhops are fun and my technique is coming along but I dunno if I can clear a curb with a hop yet. Taps are fun. Weird, but fun. The pedal strokes are really important as well as timing. I practiced for two hours before I could properly get on top of something only about 6" off the ground. That pissed me off cause I knew I could just pedal and get the bike up but I also knew that wasn't correct. Endos and Catwalks are a big one for me. I can endo just fine, but I dont have the balance point even close yet. The wheel comes up and goes down. I can hold it for maybe 2.5 seconds on a real good one. Usually the back just comes up and then goes down... another one that will come in time but can be frustrating. Catwalks are fun as hell and I'm getting better (now at least) I practice these because the balance point for this technique is gunna be pretty close to the same for manuals and backhops. Its like a threefer. Oh... super frustrating. Trying to use a pedal stroke and then balance on the backwheel... up down up down up down. Think you got the wheel up high enough and your weight far enough back? Nope, sorry. Nope sorry. Nope not happening today, or tomorrow or the next day... I honestly dont know how people do it. I gotta dedicate more time to it but I feel its a bit more "advanced" and I dont need to worry about it much yet. But when I do try it (even with doing an endo first) it feels retarded.
  15. Ooooh Preps or Preppies. I think it's actually in the dictionary, hahaha. We also call them d*uches
  16. As I understand, in Britian a chav is a white dude who wears "gangsta" type clothing with chains and other bling bling type stuff, right? We call those wiggers here (like white... well you get the rest) basicly its a super derogitory term. We call them that because they are the biggest posers of them all and the best we could come up with as a group (non-wiggers) was to take a terrible racial slur and make it about these guys. Stupid white people, they make me hate being white sometimes. It's the same over here though, get them in a group of 3+ and they're tough guys. Oh yeah, super tough. Get them in even numbers or *gasp* one on one... and they're pussies. This is the kinda thing that makes me wanna relearn ride by pipe beatings
  17. Sabiot


    Ride for the sake of riding man. Ride because you like to ride. Don't worry about other people. Lets be honest here... I suck balls at trials. Like, there is sucking and then there is what I do. It's like if there was a king of sucking I would be his assistant or some shit. I ride because I have fun. I get nervous when I grab my bike and go outside, but that goes away right away after I start up. Everyone on this forum rides better than I do. Everyone I see outside rides better than I do. I was doing catwalks off a curb the other day and coming down this big ass hill by my house is this kid (couldnt have been more than 16) does a wheelie for a solid 150ft (50m) and shows me up like the jack ass I am. I felt bad, I'll be honest. I got schooled and the kid wasn't even trying. Oh well... some people are better and I keep in mind I'm new to this sport. I got a little off topic but the point is, ride for yourself man. Don't worry about other people. People are sh*t anyways.
  18. I havent tried maguras yet but I've tried Vee's and I have dual hydro disks right now. Vees I didnt like because the pads were going too fast, like once a month and I was just riding my bike around at that point in time. Disks... oh my... I've had this bike for a year and I haven't had to adjust them or maintain them in any way and they only seem to work better than they did. I didn't believe the guy when I got them and I felt like they were kinda squishy and non responsive but the bike clerk told me that as I use them it'll get tighter. And boy did they ever. Some people don't like them because apparently they don't stop quickly and some don't because there is the risk of landing on the disk when doing something like say sidehops. But you know what, I'm lazy and I like not having to do much if anything to my brakes. Although, hydro maguras (I think they all are hydro) are supposed to be awesome PS: If you don't know the difference there are mechanical and hydrolic disk brakes. Mechanical brakes use stupid little pieces to make the brakes work, wires and such too I think. In time these stretch and your brakes won't work as well until you retighten them. Hydrolic uses a thin tube with a liquid in it. When you depress the brake lever it pushes the liquid and makes your brakes apply to your tire. Much more effective, responsive and less maintenance. PPS: Go with disks, they look cooler
  19. No offence or anything but you're gunna have to try real hard for anything to be built if it involves teens in the public title like that. There is such a stigma (maybe not in the UK but in Canada) about teens. As a teen you're really an outcast in society. Older people think you're a know it all punk, that you're always up to no good. And really, we've done it to ourselves. People will likely see it as another version of a skate park. I dont know about you guys but there is a lot of spray painting (which I think is cool, but others don't), under age smoking, dope smoking and even fights at the parks. I really hope you guys can make it work but it might be hard. If it was geared towards a slightly older age group people may be more inclined. But who knows! This is the type of things that keeps kids away from drugs and fighting and stuff. I just hope if it gets built you dont have your park over run with wanna be riders and or wiggers/chavs
  20. My friend's Dad did that to me a few months back. We no longer speak but I went inside to hang with his son for the evening and when I came out my tire was flat. I pumped it right back up but still, wtf?
  21. 7.5lbs? Thats a big baby! Your lady is one tough cookie thats for sure. Congrats man. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we will beat you silly if your kid isn't riding trials by 5 years old In all seriousness, congratulations. I can only imagine what that feels like and likely will never know for myself...
  22. Don't mind the cranky ones (there are a few) some people are very jaded, as well, some people haven't learned patience yet or have forgot that at one point in time they too were noobs
  23. Dude thats a good idea, I'm gunna go grab my shrink ray and shrink me a Ryan Leech. "Who's a good Leechy? Who's gunna side hop this mug for a treat? Good boy!"
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