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Everything posted by notknown

  1. Aren't middleburns cnc'd phil? Or does that not make anything difference to what your saying
  2. i wide mavic xc rm would be cool, but i dont think they do one wide enough, i know they do wider rims but then i dont think there is any weight advantage over a trials rim.
  3. has it been tested in trials yet? depends on price for full builds.
  4. he bloody does live in northampton. there is bugger all natty up there, unless you wanna drive fair way and that isnt really possible after work.
  5. poss running one backend huh TJ.
  6. get in touch with adam bessel, he lives there, seems to know what hes on about.
  7. i didnt find them that great. TNN greens just seem the best all round pad... much like the old koxx browns in performance.
  8. notknown

    bv mbcm

    From the album: stuff

  9. basically i wanna know why people dont ride comps. trials would be a lot better if there were big turn outs at nationals like there used to be. maybe we can sort it so more people try them out next year.
  10. im up for riding plymouth this weekend...
  11. Gate eight aren't on any more, nick is a busy man with charge. Trialnoir is kinda there, not for anything at the moment. Don't think clive(leeson) is fussed about making frames anymore. Fluid23 is back,new designs are looking real sweet. James porter is ridng the gear at the moment and is working on a video for site launch.
  12. i will work through. ere ben, you staying up (down for you) there. hook up for a drink sat night if you are. best thing to do before a trial i heard.
  13. i heard a mate say through a mates mums dads sister that chris' bike is ti. through another mates mums brothers mate that the geo of that frame is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG because when they made it they had to make back end longer and didnt shorten the front end meaning it came out at about 1100. my my. also his dogs a right little bugger. apparently.
  14. leon bey, try getting hold of some of the old try all rage bars. you cant get them new anymore but there must be some decent sets floating around second hand. i think they will suit you down to the ground, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>akrigg used to use them<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  15. all dh riders are using mega low and wide bars now. that be why.
  16. come on peaty. bloody stoked for him.
  17. kenny seems to have lost his style? obviously riding really well but there aint no style points going down. what the bloody bugger is vince wearing, looks like a nonse man. also. how much of a tight ass/alcoholic is gilles, weren't gunna waste any of the champers. looked like a rad comp though.
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