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Posts posted by Diz

  1. Hi guys, just testing the water for the possibility of a session on the 22nd in brighton.

    I'm there for the weekend for a mates stag do and was wondering whether it'd be worth taking my bike and if any of you guys live there or are likely to be in the area?

  2. Just wondering how you get more of those little blue squares on the profile and also how to get rid of the fact that i'm apparently a trials newbie...its depressing me, i know i'm pants, but i'm not that bad :(

  3. I'm liking the alpha male approach. Also the idea of racing the flush...i'm gonna go and try that one out.

    What happens though if you end up having a massive piss and the flush beats you? Do you walk away hanging your head in shame or do you just man up and flush again hoping that the next attempt will be more successful?

  4. I started going out with this new girl and we were having a bit of a session one day. All of a sudden i let out the biggest fart ever...one you'd be really proud of if you were with your mates.

    Not knowing what to do to salvage the situation, i just said "that shit came from my soul". I think she appreciated it...not the fart mind.

  5. I know this is random but its something thats concerned me for some time.

    When you take a slash, are you supposed to pee noisily in the water and risk splash back, or are you supposed to go for the silent stealth approach and pee round the bowl?

    Obviously somewhere within the bowl is desirable unless you enjoy cleaning up pee off the floor. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this.

    Also, sometimes pee smells like sugar puffs but cant think of any other foods it smells like...any ideas?

  6. If you're saying i'm looking down on people, its only the ones who criticise it i'm looking down on. I'm certainly in no position to judge anyone...i was at uni for 5 years...the best experimental years of my life!

    You've heard about the site "talk to frank"...i taught frank everything he knows.

  7. oh my god is this thread still going on? Surely everyones just repeating the same stuff.

    As for weed being more dangerous than pills thats absolute rubbish! All this talk about it causing schizophrenia is crap! Its just that some people are genetically predisposed to the condition. It could be brought on by anything, its just the fact that the government are getting tough on drugs that they got a load of so called "experts" to say there "could" be a link.

    Even the governments advisors are saying not to reclassify the drug because the side effects are minimal. Plus you're forgetting the links with cannabis and its positive effects on various medical conditions such as multiple schlerosis, epilepsy and spasms. Its also been used for thousands of years to reduce vomitting and nausea.

    Okay, so maybe smoking it is bad due to the risk of lung cancer etc, but at least you get a high from it compared to fags. And before any wise ass decides to reply and say "just dont smoke"...one, dont knock it till you've tried it, and two, if i chose to risk my life by blazing a reefer now and again, thats my choice, i'm not forcing you lot to do it am i.

    Oh, and three...this threads about ecstasy, so stop picking on us stoners...you're harshening my buzz...lol!

  8. Just thought i'd put this out there...

    Obviously everyone has good days and bad days riding, but why does it always seem to be that when you're riding well, the worst accidents happen, or you screw your bike up and end up having to walk miles home?!

    I sorted out a flat on my rear tyre yesterday and went to session the streets as usual. To be fair, my riding was awesome and everything just flowed.

    So imagine my annoyment (word?) when i tried hopping up quite a small wall and my chain came off sending me flying over the bars face first into said wall. :S

    As if the pain wasnt enough, i got a bloody pinch in the front tyre. So off i hobbled home in agony, carrying my bike...not good.

    My question is this. Is it just the good days when the bad accidents happen, or is that when you're having a bad day, the crashes dont seem bad because your riding is so pants that you kinda expect it? <_<

  9. As the title suggests, i'm after advice on a new wheelset.

    Just wanna know what rims and hubs people would recommend, preferably quite light with a reasonable amount of strength...i'm not a heavy hitter (most of the time!?). Also would quite light to start pimping my ride with some gold rims, which is the best brand in your opinion?

    As far as hubs go i'm not fussed if they're gold although the more gold the better! The rear end is 135mm and needs to be with freehub (non-fixed).

    Any help you guys could give me would be awesome, also if you have any idea on rough prices...


  10. I'd definately buy it every issue. Although there's a lot of talk about the e-zine idea, i still prefer to see things in print. Especially when i'm not able to get to a computer.

    You could also speak to a few shops (trials specific) and see if they wanted to contribute to the magazine with adverts etc. Idont know about anyone else but when i buy a magazine i quite like looking through the shops to see if theyve got any offers, new products etc. I know all the info is available on the net but again its nice to have it in print.

    Other than that, lots of pics, rider profiles, reviews etc.

    Good luck with it all if you decide to go ahead with it.

  11. Hi guys,

    Ive recently got back into trials and have been riding a diamondback kabuki mono for a while but feel i've outgrown the "starter" bike and want something with a bit more balls!

    I've been looking at the adamant A1 and a few others but wanted to know if theres a particular favourite amongst you guys?

    Also wondering whats better, 135mm or 116 rear end? Advantages/disadvantages?


  12. I think there's an awful lot of hatred going on in this thread...perhaps we should all take a pill and feel the love :giggle: .

    But no, seriously, i understand that there can be long term repercussions to the use of "recreational" drugs, but as an adult you're given free choice to make up your own mind.

    I would never advise someone to take drugs, that sort of decision can only be made by the person in question. I do however resent the narrowminded opinion of others saying that anyone who takes drugs is a loser and obviously cant have a good time without them.

    I havent done anything for a long time, i did most of my experimenting through my uni days. I dont regret trying what i have and i bloody enjoyed it at the time. If everyone went around living "safely" there's a high chance nothing would have ever been done.

    Take for example planes. If they decided not to make them because some ministers or whatever said there was a chance of death, we wouldnt be able to travel very far, or very fast. I know its not exactly the same thing but you get the idea.

    My mum says trials isnt very safe, which i understand, but as an adult ive made the decision to ignore her and take my chances. Its the same with drugs. Those who haven't tried it are in no position to judge, but by all means add your opinion.

    On a final note, as a number of other people have been saying, alcohol and tobacco are by far the worst drugs available...and its legal. The only reason its not banned is because the government make so much money from taxation. A high proportion of crimes, assault etc are caused by those under the influence of alcohol. And of course its not without its long term repercussions. Liver schlerosis for one. As with tobacco, lung disease etc.

    Its about time everyone just accepted that people have different views and ideals and stop being so judgemental. We're all trials riders on this forum. Surely that means we're all living for the same reason.

  13. Hi guys!

    I live in newport and am struggling to find people to ride with. I'm gonna be out and about on the bike on sunday and wondered if there was any interest in a street session?

    I'm aware newport isnt great for trials so if anyone has any ideas of other locations nearby, let us know on this topic. Obviously if the locations were near a train staion that would be helpful not only for myself but if anyone else decided to turn up.

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