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Posts posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I don't believe Red Bull and Max are still whinging about Silverstone. Glad the 'new evidence' that RB tried to use has been chucked out and the appeal quashed. Weirdly I'm looking forward to seeing how it will be shown in Drive to Survive!

  2. I can just see it being an annual thing like the flu vaccine, given to those most at risk, designed based on the most likely/dangerous variant expected (as with the flu).

    • Like 1
  3. MVDP's crash was nasty! Apparently he didn't know they'd removed a wooden ramp from behind that rock! Awesome to see Pidcock take the win- I was 100% expecting Nino Shurter to take it with ease!

  4. 1 hour ago, Ali C said:

    now they’ve done something else which is resulting in people’s videos not being recommended to people

    So is that information available to you in any way? I take it their terms and conditions for monetisation changes when changes like that happen?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Ali C said:

    Do they tell you about the yellow card system when you get jabbed? I hadn’t heard of it until that video. 

    Not specifically (and I'd never heard that either before!) but they give you a bit of paper that (I think, didn't pay much atttention!) that if you suffer any side effects you need to contact either your GP or NHS direct or whatever which I assume would mean an immediate yellow card submission... Just guessing though!

  6. Agreed. The points made need to be linked to the data of who's being affected. People have had strokes after having the vaccine- that's bad. However what age were these people? In a normal year how many people over the age of 70, day, would've had a stroke? Considering basically all of those people are double jabbed you can't now attribute that to the vaccine and decide that it's the cause. Equally, she's saying there have been 300,000 yellow cards submitted linking side effects to these vaccines but I would suggest that literally no one knew they were even a thing before the pandemic and for the vaccine rollout people have been made very aware that they should report any side effects and so they have. Of those 300,000 I bet 95%+ are people reporting mild discomfort, mild cold-like symptoms or whatever which are of no concern whatsoever.

    My main concern is that the whole jab related nervousness is going to fuel the whole general anti-vax shitshow and you're going to have a generation of people who don't want to get their kids vaccinated against measles or whatever because of this. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Doodles77 said:

    Im looking into buying a vertigo 250cc.

    there seems to be do many, combats , busso’s.  The R2 which i believe is 2020. Then R3 which is 2021. The DL12..  then the Works an so on. 
    I'm looking to by something newish, thst isnt to much for my clubman type/ non expert riding style. 

    I cant seem to find out models in order of there range. For instance trs.. 

    there lower end model is 250 r

    then 250 rr, onto 250 gold being there more expert pro rider type.

    any help on models would be greatly appreciated.

    thank you

    I see you've already found TrialsCentral :)

  8. 22 hours ago, Greetings said:

    I've done my share of competitive driving and can't imagine being go outgoing with my celebrations after sending a competitor into the wall at a potentially life threatening speed. His body language said a lot after the race.

    To be fair though, Lewis coming back from a penalty to take the lead (at the same place as the previous accident) on what, the penultimate lap, at his home grand prix, in front of the biggest crowd since the pandemic hit on the eve of the country coming out of COVID restrictions... I think it's not unexpected that he might be a little excited and in a somewhat celebratory mood. Max just comes off as petulant and I'd also say that Christian Horner being a little bitch about it too is also really quite pathetic.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Duncy H said:

    On the other hand I do believe there needs to be a better solution found for the scenario whereby someone is at fault for an accident but manages to continue and the other innocent driver is taken out of the race and will score no points. While I was on the fence here about who was at fault if they do indeed decide to penalise someone it has served no purpose in this situation as Hamilton still managed to go on and win!?


    That's racing though. Both were at fault- Max could've taken avoiding action to give Lewis a bit more room and Lewis should've realised he was on the dusty side and was likely to suffer some understeer. It's only down to Lewis (and of course the Merc)'s speed that he was able to come back for the win. You would think Max seeing Lewis do the same move on Leclerc but Leclerc giving him some room would shut him up but nope.

  10. Quite an eventful GP today I'm surprised to say! Verstappen playing the spoilt brat card seems a bit pointless...

    "Very disappointed with being taken out like this. The penalty given does not help us and doesn’t do justice to the dangerous move Lewis made on track. Watching the celebrations while still in hospital is disrespectful and unsportsmanlike behavior but we move on"

    Considering Lewis did exactly the same move on Leclerc later in the race I really don't think he can complain too much. The concept of expecting the world to stop because he's in hospital (largely unsscathed thankfully) is also just crazy.

    • Like 1
  11. 38 minutes ago, Ali C said:

    We put an offer in on a two bed semi 3k over the asking price…it ended up going for 60k over the asking price!! 

    That's insane!! What's happening with your sneaky familial purchase?

  12. Not angry... just getting old. All uni staff who started before April 2020 are getting a one off £600 bonus this month for efforts during the pandemic. My immediate reaction was not 'oooh, what can I buy?!' but 'hmm... I better up the childcare vouchers this month and stick another £300 voluntary contribution to the pension pot so the tax man doesn't get me'. I'm disappointed in myself :(.

    • Like 1
  13. On 08/07/2021 at 0:32 PM, Danny said:

    Ive got my 2nd Pfizer on the 17th.  Surprised at how many of you have had your seconds already, you must be a lot older than i thought haha.

    :P. I'm 39 but we were definitely 'ahead of the curve' in our local area and got the invites a good chunk before we 'should've'.

  14. 41 minutes ago, Mark W said:

    I don't know why, but this amused me:

    "A leading expert said his theory was "as good as any, and better than most".

    "It may look like something out of Last of the Summer Wine, but we've lifted a third of a tonne with it and theoretically it could move any weight," said carpet fitter Steven Tasker, 66, from Llanrhaeadr."

    Just something about a 'leading expert' being a carpet fitter from the middle of nowhere in Wales...

    I read it as an unnamed expert said the "as good as any, and better than most" rather than Steven the Welsh carpet fitter but it's odd that they don't name the leading expert...

  15. 17 hours ago, that NBR dude said:

    That brake mount is really interesting (never seen one like that before). Assuming can be used as IS or as Post mount using those dowels. Neat and intriguing design. 

    It's very similar to what's on my Whyte MTB- the brass inserts are just so that if you strip the threads you don't wreck the frame, just the barrel nuts (https://whyte.bike/collections/parts-accessories/products/post-mount-barrel-nuts). Fairly sure they couldn't be used as IS mounts (they're just plain bores through the frame to accomodate the barrels).

  16. It's probably an unfair assumption but I've always had a very poor impression of all bike shops. Mainly probably fuelled from when I started trials and no bugger knew a damn thing about anything related to trials but equally knowing how easy bikes are to work on it astounds me how expensive bike shops are for simple jobs. I literally can't think of taking a bike in to a bike shop for anything for about 25 years. I don't even bother looking round them anymore as I know what's available, what's good and what's not and am happy buying it online and fitting myself.

    What was it you were expecting to be done?

    • Like 1
  17. Double Pfizered here and only had a bit of a sore arm for the next day after each, nothing more. Cases are increasing rapidly though, @JT! Although hospitalisations and deaths etc. aren't currently following as previously.

  18. 7 hours ago, Mark W said:

    The phrase "It looks more like a Harley-Davidson motorcycle" is writing cheques those bikes cannot cash.

    I dunno... Overpriced? Probably. Too much chrome? Check. Shit to ride? Check. Basically pointless? Definitely. Sounds like a Harley to me...

  19. It's something that I can get that the theory means is should work (and also at model scale as shown on the actual treadmill) but at full scale on a somewhat rickety vehicle with bearings and chains and imbalance and an 80kg passenger I'd be surprised if that could do it. Having said that it's odd that none of their explanations mention the rotating prop sees a totally different air speed to the wind that the vehicle sees...

  20. Ok, so came across this on 'I f**king love Science' and it's got the grey matter working.

    The logic behind the reason it could/should operate is fair enough but the explanation of how/why it might work doesn't really follow in my mind and it reminded me of the aeroplane/treadmill classic but with a twist. Definitely an interesting one...



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