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Everything posted by hazzyhaslam

  1. My mums down there and I aint finding this a little bit funny. I dont care who the f**k did this but they need pay back the f**king cowards.
  2. shh.... you'll let my secret out!!
  3. But the whole battered bmx thing is a fashion within thier world whereas clean, tidy, smooth, shinny parts is the fashion in the trials world! I think trials bike generaly look tidier because we filtered down from mountain bike( i.e Cross Country) frames. But then again my way of thinking is usally bull doo doo. I have a very nice bike in my onion so its staying that way
  4. just a little! Couldnt eat solid food, had to drink soup for ages and had to wash my mouth out with salt water otherwise would have got infected! Had to live like that for a good 4 months. It was hell! Feelining the stiches through my teeth, on my gums and the roof of my mouth was, for want of better word- minging! Now I talk with a whistle!
  5. Ive never had a filling, but I had the roof of my mouth taken out to have a cist removed. When all the way to the top of my nose(cinus sp?). Took all of 5 1/2 hours. Was put to sleep though! Felt funny being able to push the roof of my mouth up with my tounge! Im sure a filling cant be that bad, remember kids. BRUSH YOU TEETH! (Y) :turned: :D
  6. Me and the lady! Man I look ugly compared to you lot!
  7. could try upside down evo mounts for 24" maybe?
  8. Ive seen people tap quite high on the old megamo's! now theyre short! My mate from round my way does and is keeping up with most of the stock lads.
  9. If they give you somewhere to ride you'll soon get bored of it and end up riding the streets again anyways!
  10. I dont think there is as far as i know! apart from the st 170(drools). try this site- www.ffoc.co.uk add me to msn if like! death2lemmings@hotmail.com
  11. speed idle control valve sounds like :D
  12. Yeah, ill find the print then bash the scanner till it works and get them up for you. It 132bhp. I'd recommend the focus to anyone, so smooth on the motorway. Its a little costly on petrol (400miles per tank)but there so much fun to drive for a family car. Handles like a dream, looks nice(even in estate form) and pritty reliable. I find it plenty quick enough even if the acceleration feels a little slow.
  13. I know, crazy init. Theres a bloke on the ffoc forums with a 150bhp one standard! God only knows whats going on! And with the last owner being 60 I dont think he'll know what a bluefin chip is! Seems to be on focus's born around the year 2000, millenium bug maybe? EDIT: focus 1.8 are only supposed to have 118bhp standard.
  14. yeah, thats costing a grand to insure. :D i think its nice to see a full engine bay compared to the engine bay of a 1.1 or summat! Make my engine look huge!
  15. this is my wagon! focus estate 1.8 running 132bhp standard!(dont ask me how!) (yes i know theres a screw driver on it!) Can fit 3 bikes and 3 riders in easy+kit! Cracking little car! Theres a few things I wanna do to it but its just having the money!
  16. We might be going this week! People could crash at mine if wanted as parents are away and its only 20minutes away from my house!
  17. netropolis.lineone.net Play this, im addicted already!
  18. https://www.betd.co.uk/product_list.asp?CategoryID=61 Just round the corner from me! Ask guineapigsmith about them, he used the prototype one for the tongue brothers!
  19. I don't ride on them. The main reason I don't is because they are there for the thousands of families that have no grave side to go to. No fathers, mothers, daugters or sons to visit. With no bodies to bury; these memorials are the only places that they have to go to pay respect to there loved ones. Think about it, If one of your family died at war and there bodies were never found wouldn't you want somewhere peaceful and respectful to remember them? I know I would. I'd want an untouched haven to go and commemorate these fallen men and the thought that the memorial was damaged in anyway would make me feel sick. As other people have said, there are better places to ride. Some of you need to take a reality check.
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