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Posts posted by tdubz

  1. Hello

    recently got a chris king from somebody on here

    got it sent away to tarty for a service and a hub shell swap went from 36h to 32h

    got it back yesterday

    found that it is missing engagement points, i have already burried my knee into the stem a couple of times

    what could be the problem

    just looking for some ideas before i give tarty a call in the morning

    do you think i have been sold a dud?


  2. I've got most of them. Just a pity my upload sucks!

    When I get some time, I'll upload them to Vimeo or something, maybe youtube aswell. Some of them are rather long!!!

    yeah but they were amazing videos you must admit!!!!

    id appreciate that mate

  3. Does Anybody Know any links to some of the TRA old skool videos

    the ones where he was riding maybe an echo es4 that kind of era

    they are the ones which you could download from the echo site and they used to take ages on your dialup connection

    really wanna see them again



  4. So you can prove that the parcel was returned?

    Then you have feet to stand on in a paypal claim. I'd message her and wait for a reply. Tell her it's been returned, be prepared to prove it, and then consider asking if she can pay for more postage, seeing as it's her problem.

    yeah i did that this morning

    i put a post on ebay forums asking about it and there were people on there telling me if she claimed a full refund i would have to pay

    that didnt make any sense at all to me

  5. had a parcel returned back from when i posted to ebay

    she paid for the shoes

    i sent her a message confirming her address, she replied and said yes it was

    the parcel returned this morning, saying that it had been at her local post office and she hadnt collected it because she must have missed the initial delivery

    so its made its way back to me because i put a return address on it

    so sent her a message this morning telling her its returned, no reply

    annoyed because:

    1. i might have to post it again, will i have to pay for this?

    2. is she going to try and claim a refund

    3. not convinced that ebay will take my side

    i have all my evidence:

    1. copy of message confirming her address which she replied to

    2. postage receipt along with tracking number

    whats gonna happen do we reckon?

  6. theres no harm in him wanting an update, i like to know whats going on and i always try to keep my buyers/sellers aware of whats going on at my end.

    but i'm the paranoid type.

    your the guy who hangs out with harriet arnt u?

    thats all i want an update thats all.....

  7. You bought it on Saturday, it's Wednesday night? Give him a chance!

    i appreciate that im not sat by the letter box haha

    i want to know if the payment was received all well and good and also if there was any problems at his end

    im not implying that there is anything untoward going on here i am trying to get his attention more than anything or maybe the attention of other people on the forum who know him

  8. sorted all this out now

    managed to speak to him on msn

    he has been having computer problems but has assured me its going in the post tomorrow

    no harm done from my point of view

    found it strange thats all because upto recent his communication had been spot on

  9. hello

    i am planning on maybe servicing my own chris king hub

    i know on nearly every article about doing this they recommend finishline wet xc lube

    at the place where i work the guy from maintenence said that if i can get some specific information about it or if anyone has used a suitable alternative he would look in stock and let me have some

    does anybody know anything for example vicosity etc or have access to a datasheet



  10. Hello

    i am pretty new to paypal

    i paid for an item last night, and also one on friday daytime

    the payments are registered as complete on paypal

    but it does not appear to have debitted my bank account, the balance is still the same

    whats going on?

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