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Everything posted by Davetrials

  1. Well me and my mate have been pimping cars allnight and we mannged a sky line a supra and a subaru with TEAM colours! i was well chuffed B) Did any of you know you can base jump? find REALLY tall buildings some of them have entrances to the tops with parchutes at the top, u just hurl ur self of the top and away you go :-
  2. "The old jon" lol how cool, does people trying huge moves and failing badly count as unsafe behavior and will get asked to leave? :)
  3. HAHA even u cant do 10 you bugger. :P
  4. Anybody, please pm me, for those who know wht vid it is, dont mention it :lol: Its 24 seconds long. :P
  5. This is somthing simelar to what ive got to ride :lol:
  6. i do it every time i go dry slope ski,ing and i did for a week when i went canada, and its great fun, fiar does they arnt as fast as skis, but very fun for trying tricks and things :- Fred whats a ripper? Snow isnt soft eaither, most of the time its bloody hard. :lol:
  7. ski blades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think hes going whistler n all :- I wanted to go canada but i had no money :lol:
  8. Iam goin BLADING :S , on the 22nd of jan, none of this snowbord crap, although iam going for a week :lol: Hope u have a good n joe, get some pics :P
  9. Well iam hopefully gerrin my kona in the next few days, is anybody for blasting around some street, stair jumps and things, iam a total newbie to all that, so ill be playing on curbs (Y) Prefrebly manchster liverpool preston area :- the general northwest :-
  10. And she has no wall papers :D
  11. tahts really your sisters holy flinking blip mate, are you as hot as her :">
  12. bump :S pimp yo sisters guys :S
  13. ill give matt a good run for his money then (Y)
  14. f**k, me and mike are going ski-ing, make sure u lot have a good time n get loadsa footage (Y)
  15. get an armourd dildo there great, i love mine ^_^
  16. Hasent it got a built in light???? (N)
  17. Stop making shit post's about chavs yes there shit, yes we know.
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