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Danny Metcalfe

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Everything posted by Danny Metcalfe

  1. Hey, Not giving the lad any grief, But he has been demoted to NMC (No PM's), and I could do with getting in touch with him, As I have bought some parts off him, Said he was going to post them a week ago, And I'm still awaiting confirmation that he has sent them, No beef, just want to know what is happening. If anyone has his number to PM me, Or if they could get in touch for me it would be appreciated, Thanks.
  2. Nor will your teeth when you to front anything.
  3. yes you bumtards, I will be there, pogo, I'll come along with you ont train probs, Mat, find someone to get ont train with you paullooo I'll ask mi mummy
  4. No it wasn't personally for you, I'm on same side as you, Mike should get his stuff and everyone should get thier money or what they paid for, I'm just saying there's other ways and means for doing this. I meant you as a general term, the community, all the people who are even thinking about delivering some 'street justice' Sorry mate, Should of been a bit more clear.
  5. I've met mike before, And i know he wouldn't scam anyone, Fact is I've had experience like this before, I used to be a little hothead, I'm not gunna lie, People always say learn from your mistakes, Well I have learned, a lot, And I just trying to guide you away from making the same ones I did, a long time ago. I'm Not saying I'm some big hardman from the ghetto, I've got the scars to prove I'm not. But I'm not saying I'm a Hero either.
  6. How Do you react to threat? Do you retaliate? Chances are he will... Escalations occur. The red mist clears, then what do you do? lay there and wait to be found, or drop your bat and leave the scene without the money, forks, whatever. It's not the way to do things, Full stop.
  7. That could have left a nasty bruise or 2
  8. £120 worth of forks really worth getting a train/bus to a random place, where you don't know anyone, or the surrounding area, getting jumped by 2 or more people, getting the sh1t kicked out of you, and left for dead with no-one to help? Lil buggers will probably take your phone and wallet anyway, You may be Joe Callzaghe, But I know I certainly aren't. I suggest 2 things, 1) have a look in the yellow pages, see if his number is in the directory, and speak to his parents 2) if all else fails, inform the police, make sure you've got all proof of dealings with this person, E-mails, texts, PM's etc I don't suggest meeting this person, in person, because you're emotions will get in the way, and you'll do something you regret, or you'll come home slightly more bruised. Good luck Mike, Sorry to hear this happened to you, Really couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
  9. No it's a bunnyhop whip, Danny Mac style Like at the end of his next level street trials vid check it out
  10. And was posting at 10 past 11? God Your Hardcore!
  11. Well clever. Specially when he's following someone else.
  12. The Dizzee remix is By AgentX, Just FYI
  13. Not my bike, It's a mates, I know don't post for non-members, But if it helps it get found then its worth my membership...
  14. Right so yeah, As topic title says, a Zona Zip was stolen from Huddersfield/Deighton Area Spec: trialtech rear wheel, fluo yellow maggie on back black Maggie on front, dmr purple grips, creepy crawler rear tyre Onza forks, stem bars Etc Stolen outside Costcutters in Deighton, about a week ago. Pic. Has Anyone Seen it? Anominous Tipoffs, Dont be afraid to PM me, Just want justice, So i wont penalise anyone who helps, Thanks
  15. and me, But I'm Biased, As I don't really like You.
  16. I like, but I Think black forks and stem would suit it better?
  17. get a haircut. got an fsa platnum bb you can have £30 love love love
  18. Thats You, Not him, Why cant anyone see that? Oh I'm sorry were all robots and must ride the same. Only personality we can portray is what is written in our signatures.
  19. Don't care what you look like, What music you like, Wheather you should have a BMX, I thought that was absolutely MINT! Nice riding man!
  20. WAKEFIELD IS SHITEEEE me n paul used to go, took a few of our bitches thier before
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