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Everything posted by MiuSliS

  1. Holly hell! Now that's a FAT pad.
  2. Why do you even bother counting the pressure? I just pump and check it by feeling, not by meter showing psi/bars, whichever.
  3. You should check him riding in other cities too. Great stuff.
  4. I usually watch this video before riding.
  5. Stem has big impact on how the bike feels. Not sure why are you changing the stem, but my guess would be that you'll feel the difference.
  6. Lighter bike is more for riders who pretty much know what they are doing. Of course in comps wieght is very important, but if you are riding just for fun in streets (well maybe not always, but you get the point), weight isn't that much of a problem. As Chambers said, pratice makes you ride better, lighter bike helps too, but that's not the main reason.
  7. Probably because of lame bars. Low riser.
  8. Lol, looks exactly like from echobike web.
  9. He is doing really great, i wish i at least knew what is trials at his age. Not to mension being that good.
  10. +1 I'm using nokon on my avid bb in front also many of my mates are using it. Best thing ever!
  11. How you dare to show us good weather and swimming pool, when we are living with this snow all around! But nice backfilp, i wish i had a chance to try it.
  12. Really nice show, but i was disappointed that Benito wasn't in it. He is an amazing rider too, seeing Gilles and Vincent made me wonder why he wasn't interviewed.
  13. Forum automatically reduces the size, but yeah point taken, i edited the post.
  14. Also thing for bhops is to learn (get used to) bending your knees and pulling up the rear. That is really the things that will help you make bigger hops and also to land it on a back wheel. Like this!
  15. The only thing I'm going to say is that low riser are fail. I prefer true riser bars. I myself am using viz 700probar.
  16. In my opinion it all depends on how massive you go. You can get hurt pretty bad in both styles. Not to mention to skill and confidence doing stuff. So it's pretty hard to tell.
  17. I miss a normal photo in which you can actually see whole bike.
  18. This guy has really well tuned balance. Awesome moves and I really like the song.
  19. Well, since I've haven't tested that myself, I can't say if it is better or not. It depends on the consistence of the oil to give the feel of the water. Anyways I would give a go and try it out. Now i just need to hold of this oil.
  20. MiuSliS


    Better choice than low riser!
  21. As far as i understood, you wanted to know how to spin while hopping on a back wheel. IF i'm correct, then i'd say addition to throwing your body weight to the side you want to spin, twist your handlebars also to the side you are turning. By the way, check this.
  22. Woot! Thank you, I hope I'll be there.
  23. Any details on that? I'd like to come to Buthiers again, if i can.
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