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Everything posted by MiuSliS

  1. /me goes to get some rest. Sorry, my mistake.
  2. Errrm, do you realise going 18/15 will make it even lighter?
  3. What people seem to forget is that pads performe differently on different rims. Brake set up is really tricky thing to suggest. Not to be like a complete jerk i'd suggest to talk to some folks that use same rims as you do and see what works for them. Actually i believe good break set up comes with time after trying various stuff.
  4. I think if you are looking into buying a bike, you shouldn't just consider gears. Which is probably the least important thing to worry about. Most bikes are SS now, so i guess go for it. In case you decide to change parts you might end purchasing more than planned. To sort of sum up, don't just focus on gears. Look more globaly. Geo, brake set up, weight, whole look/style, only then gears i'd say. Cheers, hope that helps.
  5. I snapped my try-all forxx several months ago and was looking for a new fork. Curved blade was also 1 option, but i don't think they are that good. That's why i went for Neon Conq 09, i have to say i'm really happy. Actually in my opinion they are better than Curve. So my vote is Conq not Curve, which is even cheaper.
  6. Riding was awesome, but the song messed the whole video. :/
  7. Yea, flat bars are out of fashion for good couple of years. Besides, risers are way more comfortable.
  8. I cut out 1 wall out of 07 echo urban rear rim, was ±25g. Not really worth it, rim is heavy, but it's strong and that is useful if you are a novice. Edit: been bashing mine(rim) for like couple of years.
  9. 06 the best! In my opinion, the strongest, the sexiest GU frame ever. NO other GU will be as good as the 06 was.
  10. 29 including frenchies. Nice vid though, really smooth.
  11. What's the name of the song? No need to comment the riding, i think?
  12. MiuSliS

    oh my god

    Doing tailwhips isn't trials either, but people do it. Go figure...
  13. Song ruined the video for me. Still nice riding though.
  14. There, more like it.
  15. I was hopping for a slow-mo replay of the bail.
  16. My guess it's 2 finger design.
  17. Epic music + awesome riding = mint vid!
  18. MiuSliS

    Autumn Vid - 2010

    Nice, really nice. Some great spots there, as well as riding. Really enjoyed the song, fits perfect with vid.
  19. Like owns mentioned some purple bits would look good in my opinion as well. But just a piece of advice, don't buy white frame. White color really catches dirt and stuff, is quite hard to clean, plus scratches on white paint is a killer. I would buy silver, if i were you. Good luck.
  20. Any new updates or something install recently? Since yesterday my firefox counts trials-forum as an attack page. Anyone else has this crazy stuff?
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