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Status Updates posted by Paperclip

  1. UKKK Blonde KK Blonde 

  2. Some say that correction hops are second nature to him. Others claim that he can on off his conti tyres at will. All we know is he's Dman

  3. "Craig's got a little willy"

    1. FalseProphecy


      Craig lees the man you hear meeh
  4. hi where in yorkshire you from?

  5. just off too get my phone, Ill text you in 5.

  6. not sure dude, where?

  7. fancy a ride soon?

  8. stya_bear, Primark £3 ***

    1. Vortexor


      better be stock not mod :)

  9. isitafox, Its when a man/woman change's sex XD

  10. Sorry dude, Im working at home today getting ready for next week.

    I'll be out next weekend hopefully, were thinking of maybe riding glen with mr bronanza

  11. Whens the kortz out! need a frame

  12. Tuna mayo, on toast ***

  13. Desmond Derv has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?


  14. wigans right your danm hot

  15. text back or something slut ????

  16. I just love you so its all good:) ride soon mr 1/4 cast


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