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Posts posted by plainlazy84

  1. Mr Miyagi or Splinter from the Turtles- Which was the ultimate mentor/father figure? Should Splinter have been harder on Michelangelo and his pizza addiction?

    "Mr Myagi is the ultimate father/ mentor figur. Splinter was far too lenient on Michelangelo's pizza addiction and should have brought in Gillian McKeith"

  2. Hopefuly you are all aware of the wonder that is AQA. The ultimate method for settling pub disputes, asking random stupid questions and getting equally amusing responses. If you are unaware of this service then shame on you!

    They are running a promotion where you can ask them any question and get an answer sent to your phone for free.

    So ask away and answers posted on here please

    The stupider the better.

  3. And how do we plan on taking 6billion+ people that far?

    Well, i call shotgun!

    You can call shotgun all you like but until the spaceship is within your sight it doesn't count- there are rules to adhere to you know. So get back in line like the rest of us!

  4. Personal ones that I can think of so far ..........

    - Start up and run my own Business

    - Have my own professional looking calling cards which I carry at all times :P

    - Return to Vancouver/ Western Canada and spend at least three weeks there

    - Vancouver - Las Vegas roadtrip

    - Weekend bender in Amsterdamn

    - Attempt the Circle Line pub crawl

    - Play the Jeff Sterling Gillette Soccer Saturday Drinking game

    - Brew my own beer

    - All day sessions for St Patricks day 2008 and 2009 and get a hat. Making it 5 years in a row

    - Eat two, foot long subs in one sitting

    - Become an aficionado of alcohol and have my own in home bar

    - Watch the Godfather trilogy in one sitting

    - Compile my list of top ten favourite movies

    - Learn the rules of American football and watch the superbowl

    - Get a decent claim to fame

    - Be in the crowd for an Olympic event

    - Attend an away match

  5. A while back I happened upon a website called beforethirty.co.uk where a bloke called John Boileau compiled a list of stuff he wanted to do before turning thirty.....

    Upon turning twenty five (january 2006) I decided that it would be a shame for my twenties to pass by without doing all those stupid things I've always meant to do but never got round to. So I set out to make a list of around one hundred things that i wanted to do before hitting thirty in 2011. I cant be very ambitious though, as the list totalled seventy-seven.

    Some are really stupid and will make me happy for about 5 minutes. Some ive wanted to do for ages and will make me really pleased. Some are just simple things that I've always casually said I'd do but never got round to and these are probably the most important. I'll leave you to guess which category eating a fillet o fish falls in to.

    The List

    Its pretty damn funny actually :lol: Have a read of his application for the managers job at a Premiership football club Even if your not interested in football its a bloody good read :P

    So anyway my question is..... What would you put on your list ?

  6. in the same way fun is banished from the lives of salvation army officers.

    This statement is totally and utterly unfounded. Harrold Bishop is a salvation army officer and pretty much single handedly personifies the word "fun". He plays the tuba for gods sake. And he's got a wibbly wobbly treble chin and I think we all know that fat people are jolly.

    Oh and down with racism. Boooo

  7. 11 at the train station

    Sounds good (Y) have you checked the train times though? or will you be getting there by other means of transport.

    This will be my first proper group ride in three years :o Quite looking forward to it actually, although my riding will suck. Think I'll only be staying out til about 2ish though as I've still got shit loads of work to do for my dissertation. I'll try and steal my dads camera and take a few pics too.

    And Dave I would offer but I'll be busy slaving away all day/ night after this ride on the afore mentioned D word.

  8. The pic of the blue T-Bird was definitly taken either in 2001 or 2002 as I remember taking it and I was still at college. Cant remember how long that model had been released before then though. I'm almost certain that Onza didnt start selling Trials bikes until 2000 at the earliest if not 2001 so it cant be any older than that.

  9. Wow there are a few more pallets outside the anglia square loading bay than last time I rode there :o crazyness. Where abouts is the location in the bottom right (on original post) photo? I need to ride Norwich again soon :P

  10. i've been to cromer on summer hols the last few years...

    stayed at virginia court where the chef is called danny and knows what a trials bike is..oo aye.

    The boating lake ey? Is that next to the bowling green? nice railings there...My favourite place had to be at the end of the big slope that goes down to the beach- could practise hooks on that wall too...lovely..

    and they put some funky blocks outside the pier last time i went...that was cool...oh wow!

    never saw another trialsing soul though...


    ha :lol: Danny is a legend. I used to work as a KP for him about 6 years ago and so did my other riding mate back then. Used to give him a little demo after our shifts, hopping around outside the kitchen.

    What time are you lot coming down then? You going to go by train?

  11. Cant really think right now but of all the bands I've seen live I'd have to put Orson up on a pedestal of hate. I didnt pay to see them by the way they happened to be at a festival and were playing before Bloc Party who I wanted to see. They had one or two top ten hits (which were bloody annoying I might add) which they did, and then clogged the rest of the set up with mind numbingly dull filler material from their "album". The lead singer was more concerned with tweaking his ridiculous flat cap type thing and twiddling with his shades than actually singing, which probably explained why he sounded like a bag of cats being swung round. Oh no it doesnt- its cos they are utter SHITE.

  12. There are also the choices of canada, australia and new zealand who are all fast tracking visa's etc for professionals to come in to their country to work.

    Going off topic even more but just wanted to say that its anything but fast track for 99% of skilled workers looking to immigrate from the UK to Canada. I've researched into it quite a bit and if you apply via the skilled worker route the average waiting time to get all the appropriate visas/ clearence is something like 3 - 4 years and growing. This applys even if you have qualifications/ experience in an area that they have a particular demand for- there is just a huge backlog.

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