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Posts posted by isitafox

  1. Update.

    My wheels came from Tartys yesterday, superb service, so I took them to my dads to try them on (the bike, not me) and found that as the frame is so old the dropouts for the axles are a bit too small to take the new wheels so they'll need fettling with.

    Managed to take some pics though which I'll post when I get home, next step is grinding out the dropouts so the wheels fit nice, adapting the Tensile maggy mounts to work on a V mount so the rear wheel actually fits and stealing back my IRC Kujo's off my dads bike!!

  2. you have not thought this through have you ? tensile mounts are for a 4 bolt frame and that frame uses a 2 bolt v post so its not gonna work .

    i like that your trying to do and i hope you get it to a nice spec because but that brake aint gonna work .

    Don't you worry bout that, she'll work like a dream, besides its the only thing I can do as had already bought the rear magura an couldn't afford to change for a rear disc.

    Just one of the problems of rebuilding an old frame but anything can be overcome. If people are making headtube extensions and pulling it off sorting the mounts will be a piece of piss!

  3. Finally took some pics of my bike if you could call it that?!

    Currently running an old (bout 7-8 years) Heavy Tools Trials frame, FSA headset (whatever was popular back then), unbranded forks, Specialized stem (off my dead Rockhopper), Azonic World Force risers and a new Magura on the back.

    Due for delivery next week is my Echo TR hub and rim wheel builds and Tensile offset maggy mounts so the back wheel will fit!

    I'm deffo gonna be a fashion victim with this build aswell but pics of her with the wheels on will reveal that!

    Will hopefully get it weighed at some point, probably when the wheels come to see how heavy its getting for all the weight weenies to laugh at!

    Opinions welcomed




  4. Got some tips for yaa'll have a shit, shave your pubes,ride naked,cut nails,take visor off you helmet,cut off unnecessary body parts,take steroids and watch the G's fall off i am a real weight weenie i followed all these tips and saved at least 1kg :unsure: x

    I go commando, will this help?

  5. Started off on an unbranded frame I got from chainreaction or someone and originally used for bit of XCing.

    First bike I bought specifically for trials was a 13" Spec Rockhopper which was superb but got snapped on some dirt jumps we made.

    Was well gutted as it was superb, everyone including the bloke at JE James told me at the time that it was too small but I argued it was perfect, had the cheapest yet greatest front V in the world as well!

  6. Not sure how much mine weighs but this thread intrigues me so gonna nip down ma dads later and weigh it (without wheels and drivetrain however) but I believe the frame is supposed to be about 2.23kg, not sure if thats good or bad?!

  7. About 10 years i was given chainspotting and dirty tricks and cunning stunts for christmas. I watched them and i was hooked the martin's sections in chainspotting blew me away i had never seen such bike control and i was hooked.

    I was same, into a bit of dual slalom for ages then my cousin got Chainspotting on video and our mtb world changed!

    10 years later and I'm still crap!

  8. The only reason i rienforced it was because its only a small one,

    As you can see.

    Plus i weigh about 15 and 1/2 kg.

    Thought i might as well try it and see what happens.


    Your only 15 ½kg?

    What size is your bike??!!

    I have railway sleepers and they're great! But i want to have a vareity of obstacles.

    Your a lucky boy to get hold of some sleepers.

    You get them from local diy store?

    Working on railway I can get em for 20p each but all trackworkers half inch them before a get a chance!

  9. if i was to get another bike i was thinking of building a more street orientated 26inch, with something like an azonic ds1 frame. i cant see the point in having the monty if im not gonna ride it. might be better off with a collector if there is such a thing lol.

    what to do now, i didnt think they were that rare, its made me look at it in a different way now.

    My cousin had an azonic for trials, think its the same one, and I always found it too long for trials.

    Mind you that was 8 years ago so probably changed a bit since then!

  10. Well I got my wheels ordered today, never realised when I was picking everything but gonna be a full Echo TR setup rims and hubs together.

    Just gotta wait a week till they're built up an sent out now and then I can get started on the drivetrain side of things.

    Not sure what to go for in terms of cranks, freewheels etc. as will depend on how much £$ I can blag for my b'day next month as I'm skint!

    Bloody mortgage :angry:

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