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Everything posted by Dušan

  1. my father also started about month ago and he is 35 years old .I started about 8-9 months ago (7th November my b-day it was my 15th b day ) and first bike was monty 219 20" and currenltly i have ZOO! pitbull 26" 07 and i LOOOOVE IT in my humble opinion trials are very boring until you learn the pedal kick beginnings werent so much fun but when i learnd pedal kick it opened new world of obstacles!!!
  2. gonna try this one i usally wear shorts or cutted jeans with t-shirt,and i always take a bag(always with more than 5 liters of water.... but if u drink so much than you also sweat much but i would rather sweat so much (what i do... ) than feel thirsty
  3. i might be wrong but didnt you use brakes from your oldschool on urban? as they look same
  4. i think you have only hlaf of true. Isnt it footjam tailwhip?
  5. was just about to ask when its going to be deleted? but nice video enjoy short but good.
  6. http://vimeo.com/11062535 what about this?
  7. i dont know and i dont care either dont like such people but the song is good as i said .... edit: if u saw the music clip i think i like it cause iam horny that girls mmmmmmm
  8. what about this one? Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive or noone will like this but if i rode like damon or neil i would use this marilyn manson -this is the new shit it has awsum chorus :DD i dont like marilyn m at all but this song is good... you know it depends if the song in the video is supposed to be liked by people or you choose what people like the most what about shakira waka waka?
  9. yeah sorry for being dumb in english....
  10. So how tough should tires be??? mainly for street riding....super tough.... or should they be able to compress or i dont know i mean i stand for something in middle they should be though but also able to compress a bit, my friend is for super though so what is the best toughness?
  11. So do i.... i always take my bike with me and i have stock...so its big but 10kg aint that much to carry the....but usually to small shops they dont let you take it so i just ask for wat i want and i they could bringit to me outside ....i never lock my bike.... dont trust the lock and its not sohard to take off all the parts on my bike with 3 tools only
  12. i actually have rubber grips which can be locked(inspired grips)and i like them...if i had to change them i would go for foam i used to have them and they were nice to hold but had same problem what i did is that i used electrical tape on it... still nice to hold but without gloves very slippery with gloves it was okay.... than there is laso some kind of cloth tape and that was the best for it in my opinion..... so try this.... or just buy hundreds of them
  13. i wouldnt be able to ride brakeless like that cause i will use my brakes instinctivly...
  14. Ive hurt my anklefew weeks ago i think it was about 2 weeks when i didnt mind that i thought i would be fit in few days as usual... but i was wrong went to doctor i was on xray(he didnt see anything unusual ihad to be off for 4 weeks and having electro therapy and also some sort of magnetic therapy.... in 2 weeks i tried to ride... it didnt hurt at all except once... i want to get back to riding it doesnt hurt while iam walking normally but if i somehow quickly change to position or i dont compress with it it hurts for few seconds quite lot... anybody had this what are you experience did you fully heal or not?(i wrote it horribly soz )
  15. hah ive been ridinf trials for 8 months and i already want to try it....why? it looks so cool when you dont have brakes and you look like unstoppable..with brakes you mostly it looks strange but without you have speed and pulling out everything you know you bunny hopsomething manual on it than for example 180 thats so awesome i know its not really trialsy but anyway it improves your riding with brakes a lot i think.after trying brakeless once i think ill see things differently
  16. So here we could make some topic with pictures of those who train on palet some ideas post your palet trial parks ideas etc. (gonna upload ours tomorrow) ofc its not only pallets just upload any pics of something that you built and and you ride on it ofc dont upload picuters of 2 pallets and the usage is gapping from/to so be creative
  17. i mostly like how you say Preston in the beginning of the song
  18. lol i really love your cameraman how he is commentating the clips when you are sidehoping:D nice vid glad that you didnt share them with recycle bin
  19. so if i would remove both of my brakes for some time i would have better techniques and when i learn some new technique brakless than with brakes i shouldn t have any trouble ofc this way it will be a lot harder and more painful i guess my problem is that i hold brakes too much so i think when i heal iam gonna try brakeless riding
  20. true but all the time i just cant do it cause when i dont put in enough time in training frontwheel stuff i try it for example 2-3 times and then i go and try something different and than i come b ack to it.i would like to completly focus on frontwheel stuff
  21. and what do you think of riding only with front for a while? wouldnt it help to learn frontwheel stuff?? like i dunno pedal ups to front maybe???
  22. well iam starting many topics because iam bored (injured my ankle-cant ride) so my idea is... will anyone get better if for example for months wont use rear brake??? wont it helps to learn front up thing and generally frontwheel and two wheel stuff?it was just an idea and i would like to know what you guys think about it???
  23. its the same like normal monty kamel 2010 isnt it??i would go for red monty kamel 10 not for this one.... everything is same only difference is colour
  24. well no order it was a hard choosing Damon i just like how he rides TRA for awesome power and technique and alsoquality of video is awesome Neil because he is awesome uhhh its so hard to choose right now hmm cls cause he is doing awesomethings on mod and he is the only mod rider which i can watch and cant get bored of it and last one is ryan leech because he is good in riding and i liked his mastering the art of trials movie i would add some more like danny mac,jack meek, and much much more but these 5 came first in to my mind so i guess they are my fav
  25. well that would be kinda hard cause i dont live in UK i live slovkia and not many trialbikers is here unfortunately but well if it should help me i just get it no?! :DD
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