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Everything posted by stya_bear

  1. As I am sure you will know, I am not slating the shop itself, mostly the singular guy who as u both can vouch for me in this instant, was rather brash and ignorant when we asked him about the freewheel. The shop itself and all the other guys I spoke to downstairs were quality guys! Just that one guy who may have been having a bad day.
  2. Yesterday I destroyed my freewheel riding Leeds Uni, which was rather gutting as I was due to ride Shipley Glen today. So after a few drinks, the decision was made to visit AireValley Cycles this morning and fix the issue. Upon arrival everything was going grand and I bought the tools and new freewheel (Tensile - Rides like a dream btw), and I asked the guy serving us if maybe they could assist in the removal of the freewheel just to make things easier... and the guy had an awful attitude towards me! In a smug/annoyed tone told me I would have to leave the bike with them and it would take a while because they had loads on. Bearing in mind all I asked was for the old freewheel to be undone, not for them to actually remove, fit and sort my cranks. With this I left the store, disassembled my bike outside the shop and went back in with only the crank arm and the freewheel attached. Asked the same guy how long I would have to wait for it to be done, he told me if I went downstairs to the workshop they would do it for free! In the end I paid a quid for the removal and a freewheel spacer! I just felt there was no need for the attitude on the employee's behalf. The shop overall is fantastic and I massively appreciate what they did for me today.
  3. My 1st real trials bike was a Mission Prodigy when I was about 17, which I went on to snap the forks on. But what got me first into trials was watching motortrials, then meeting a guy who had a very very old Monty and he lent me it for a month while he want to Australia on holiday. I was about 8/9 when I borrowed the Monty though.
  4. Cheers for that fella! I have been looking at the Magnesium version myself. A riding buddy (Bronz) rides a pair and they feel great under foot.
  5. I currently have a pair of caged pedals and these where fitted purely because I needed a cheap option when I built the bike. Now I am looking for a pair of platform pedals, could anybody maybe suggest some pedals as I am out of touch with the better end of the market.
  6. Hey mate, I am just getting back in to my riding after a year or more out and I am riding the Leeds area today as it happens Feel free to drop me a text or a call if u want to join us today. The more the merrier some would say 07885 880 338 And don't worry about being new to it, everyone starts somewhere and I always found riding/skating/playing rugby etc with talented people pushes you to get better
  7. Hey Danny, tomorrow 12 o'clock, Leeds Train Station. Me and Dann2707 are meeting for a ride, fancy joining us?

    Contacted a few people about the ride, not sure how many are up for it, but me and dann will definatly be there.

  8. I know that this is not the correct area for posting this but I as of yet are not validated to post in the correct section. I apologize for this in advance. Is anybody interested in riding Leeds tomorrow? So far there is only two riders, myself and dann2707. We are meeting at 12 o'clock at the train station by the large granite walls. @stya_bear BBM: 20EDD772
  9. I tried to make some videos but I only had my Blackberry on me so I made the effort but I don't fancy posting them haha! I went to the local spots again and managed to make a few gaps I had failed yesterday so BIG WIN for me This is where I rode today, AKA The Volkswagon Van Garage...
  10. I vary when riding. Some times I am in the mood for music and others I cant get into the flow with it on. When I have it on, I enjoy post-core like A Skylit Drive, Alesana, etc. Dubstep is another genre I can ride to, the dirtier the better I say with Dubstep, like Borgore and Jakwob
  11. Just dropping you a message to say that those cranks you gave me are solid! Cant thank you enough for them. Its awesome to get back out on the bike (cant really say 'back in the saddle' haha) Sunday ride after Bronz's bday if I can make the night do?

  12. I am up for that mate!! text me details or summat and ill sort stuff out man... as long as i get paid Friday
  13. Got a old pals retirement party on friday mate sorry!! I am busy every friday usually with Church aswell.
  14. Hey guys, this is my Zona Zip. More detailed part list is available on my profile
  15. i know the feeling, love riding though. I have a fear of big things now though haha
  16. I went on a ride after work today, and basically realized how unhealthy I am haha! I am in need of a massive energy boost on a night now. I stopped off at a few of my local spots from years gone by. Including The Local High School, The Volkswagen Van Garage and The Concrete Blocks of WHSmiths. I also managed to make a few gaps I had never made and feel I have pushed myself a little bit more. My aim is to push my limits every ride if I can.
  17. I will be! It rides lovely so far, a few tweaks I will sort out during the week if I can and then I will be out at the weekend/weekend after
  18. I have had my Zona Zip in bike retirement for far too long, and after a couple of recent outings with Harry (Bronz), Cocky, Danny Metcalf, Digger Dan and a large number more. I have found my desire to ride once again. I had a damaged crank arm which needed replacing and a freewheel that was on the way to the scrap bin. The legend Danny Metcalf came to the rescue and has given me some Onza Cranks and a freewheel to get me riding again untill I can afford to upgrade. The extent of the wear on my Echo Crank Arm (Left). If they were not damaged I would still be riding these wonders. Pretty certain my freewheel should not open with only half a turn by hand! These are what are getting me back out and about on the old stead
  19. The pictures were took by myself because my bike is... injured haha! Soon I will be back out riding and probably take images on the side. I have more but didn't fancy blagging the post with them all.
  20. I personally took some pictures while out with the usual crew, and I plan to take more and post more when I am fully validated Cocky, Digger Dan, Carl, Danny M and Bronz to name a few. Truly outstanding riding as per usual! Digger Dan - Super slippy brick wall. Cocky - Up and Over so to speak Carl - Fantastic up-to-fronts just before this Digger Dan - flat spot to follow Digger Dan - Christ-on-a-bike! Bronz (Harry) - Sprained Ankle will not stop this guy! Digger Dan - Shows how to get up the easy way Digger Dan - can go up both directions Digger Dan - takes it one step further, up-to-front! Nothing special photography wise but fantastic day non the less, a lot more images when I get fully validated.
  21. ah safe, Iv got your number now so I will drop you a text so you have my number and we can arrange something, sooner the better obviously, need to get it sorted for Harry's birthday if I can (Y)

  22. Ill text him for it now.

    I can catch a ride up wit my dad sometimes, I work till 5 during the week so it wud b like 6 o'clock onwards but let me know man

  23. cant believe your selling that Zoo Stock!! Its a right piece of art!

    If i had the cash I would buy it straight out!

  24. sweet bro! I think Legend is the word I should be using. Let me know when I can get them and Ill sort out a ride to get me up or wotever you wana do

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