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Everything posted by Gaz96

  1. Ye, that video is where I first seen the idea of filing the mounts a while back
  2. Thanks, I've got a file lying about so I will probably give it a bash
  3. Before I install my brake I was wandering if its worth filing the mounts like in the TNN engineering advanced hs33 set up video? Does it make much difference? And should I only do it if the brakes dont line up square, or should I do it before I even try fitting them?
  4. Just look for any info/reviews on Blue Adamant Brake Clamps, can get a pair cheap but before I buy would like to know if there any good?
  5. I have a an Onza Zoot Pro which im currently building, and wandering which chain tensioner i should use. I have the option of Onza's Integrated Tensioners or some Gusset Kojak Chain Tugs. Was wandering which would be best to use, whats stronger and what will hold the wheel in place the best? Was thinking the Onza ones will look cleaner but im more interested in strength, any opinions appreciated
  6. When you lift your front wheel really try to push your back wheel forward and underneath you. As Ali said theres no need to change any parts, just keep practicing the right techniques and it'll come
  7. Just seen these, theyre quite cheap and wandered if anyone has used them? Basically just wandering if there any good?
  8. Remember to use lacquer after or some sort of clear coating to protect it, otherwise it will just chip really easily
  9. I really liked that video! thought the riding was quite fast pased for stock, not saying thats a bad thing though...
  10. No need to take an old one off, currently custom building a bike from scratch... thanks guys
  11. Embedded for you, nice riding guys
  12. As the title says, just wandering how do you fit the freewheel? I know to grease the threads then do you just screw it onto the cranks with your hands or anything else needed to tighten it?
  13. I'd like to know aswell, it gives it a much cleaner look, could you just sand the paint off or as mentioned tyre wall paint? or is it a different method?
  14. There has been loads of threads on this, use the search bar or there is a thread all about pad reviews!
  15. Im needing a rear 24" wheel, not worried on weight atol more strength as I will only be riding street and was looking at these two choices... 1. Echo TR / SL Rear Disc 24" with 14T Sprocket 2. TartyBikes Single Wheelbuild, Inspired Pro Rim on My linkSapim/Halo 24" (Black) with Nipples with either one of these two hubs, what one would you recommend? Trialtech Sport Rear Hub or Echo TR Rear. The wheel build would cost about £115 and then a sprocket would be about an extra £20 so what would you guys reckon would be best for the money on strength wise... I do have a trialtech drilled front rim so would it look stupid with a drilled front rim and a undrilled rear rim, if so I wouldnt mind a drilled rim on the back then aslong as I dont lose to much strength... One thing which you'se might think is stupid is that I might be a bit pushed more towards the 2nd option due to black spokes but if option 1 is stronger then I would go for it Any help is appreiated, Thanks in advance
  16. This looks really nice! what seat is that, BSD?
  17. Yes, a frenchie is a brakeless front wheel swap
  18. Do you just sand it down to give it the plain black look?
  19. This is my favourite build ive seen in a while! looks good
  20. As the title says I was wandering if the use of rim brakes will rub off the paint on my rim, im not actually riding it yet so I cant ell for myself... Would be preffer to run a smooth rim but if the colour will rub off then I think I will just grind it for appearance and the extra power
  21. Ass said bleed it, give everything a good clean, rough up the pads with sand paper
  22. Im not into all this weight saving yet but just an idea, would filling your innertubes with hydrogen or helium work rather than air?
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