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Everything posted by jacksnell95

  1. 40gb? i have two 250gb hard drives
  2. yeh but i dent think u would have to be a certain age for it -.- but im 16 on the 30th
  3. ive just made a gmail account so i'll pm you my email how many invites do you get ? This feature is not available for your account.You must be over a certain age to use this feature. that sucks uber dick -.-
  4. do u need to have a gmail account ?
  5. i love the onza zoot its amazing at some point i will own one
  6. what are all the programs you used ? how much ram does the laptop have ? do you have loads of programs running in the background ?
  7. i had a feeling you would bring that up -.- ":L"
  8. the word "lol" makes you sound like a 12 year old, please stop using it -.-
  9. and jake hickeys face and amazing taste in music <3
  10. you cant say thats a cheap bike.... but personally i think montys are absolute sh*te. My friend has the monty 220 kamel, he's only had it for a few months and rides it once a week max and the rear axle snapped when he went to pedal so yeah in my opinion montys are sh*te....
  11. i agree to be honest
  12. yes lowestoft has quite alot of good spots to ride but there isnt any videos i dont think, and you could park at ryans then bike to the beach with him or park near down hamilton road were most other riders park
  13. i occasionally go on hackforums.net and the tech game
  14. just get used to them...
  15. im not one of those people that do that i just think f*ck it i need a new part
  16. i thpught it was a good idea at the time
  17. i like riding the beach.. just that some faggot always complains..... -.-
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