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Everything posted by Trials-Mikey

  1. But the stem is fine with my old steel ones
  2. Think that is the problem brcause as I am begining to get the bolt tight it then clicks and is then loose
  3. They are longer :/ They are longer :/
  4. Yes this has been tried and they are fine
  5. hey guys got some ti bolts for my Christmas as sized m6x20 and they wont fit in my stem quite unsure as the description on tarty bikes says they are m6. well it is not that they dont fit it is more when i am tightening themup they are clicking they are greased
  6. cool think i might do this to my brakes and also bike looks awesome
  7. what is the deal with the brakes are they just rawed and the body's have been filed ??
  8. hard decision get jaff tp repair my 09 echo team or new frame ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. williams


      I'm sure your Echo felt really nice, but there's nicer frames now with better geo that rides even better :)

    3. Trials-Mikey


      spose will have a look thanks for the advice

    4. williams


      No problem mate, good luck :)

  9. f**king cheap for a zhi but are they not quite snap happy ?
  10. cheers will have a look around the fs section and have a look for some second hand stuff
  11. the lite 2013 is very tempting but does anyone know is i could buy without bb and use my square taper
  12. loved the feel of my echo so any of the echo frames
  13. sorry forgot to mention i ride a mod
  14. streety tgs but i do enjoy manuals and stuff forgot to mention i need 4 bolt mounts
  15. so i snapped my echo team 09 frame and now i am looking for a replacement does anyone have a good reccomenation
  16. cant make sat or as i am working just depends on where we meet on Sunday could definitely make it near Perth /Dundee not sure about anywhere else
  17. has there been much snow in glasgow and is it weather permitting ??
  18. its a bit of a joke to call you own video the "ultimate bike stunt compilation"
  19. brilliant but wont that water drop wreck his ffw
  20. i must be the only person who has a quiet echo sl !!!!

    1. SamKidney


      Could be dying.

      Mine went quiet before it went bang.

    2. Trials-Mikey


      its only 2 month old

  21. ben that was a brilliant sum up of the day think we were quite lucky not to get stabbed. heard anything about another ride soon ?
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