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Posts posted by manuel

  1. Might sound like a stoopid question but do those bits hanging down to the model get faired? I know they are consistent but a fairly hideous shape? I’d have thought it was more ideal to have them be more aero neutral shapes?

    edit- like wouldn’t airflow off that potentially directly interact with the crazy bits on the back of the bike behind the seat? 

  2. It’s ok, I can handle myself with these things, it’s the fact they are always trying to shaft all of ithe employees (often by stealth) and not everyone would maybe even realise or feel like they should stand up to it. It’s so unnecessary and creates so much mistrust and bad feeling and most of the time lowers productivity overall.


    in other news it looks like deliberately failing to deliver the post for a year has paid off and they are going to get to axe mon-sat postal deliveries. So probably redundancy and or just shitter contracts incoming. 

  3. yeah - they decided that they needed the hours to be more seasonal, so for 15 weeks ish from sept we worked an extra 24minutes a day (colder more brutal conditions heavier bags etc...) with the agreement that they would be given back in the summer/when the workload dictated.

    cut to now - they are giving them back 24 minutes a day shorter - but what ho - without 24minutes, three of the 6 days are now under 7hrs, so you can only have a 30min break instead of a 40minute one. So they've pinched 30mins a week of actual work for 15ish weeks from us, which works out around a day. BS. Such a shoddy way to treat your staff. 


  4. On 1/13/2024 at 11:19 AM, monkeyseemonkeydo said:

    OpenFOAM is the free, open source meshing and CFD program of choice but it won't be a 5 minute job to learn how to get something sensible from it I don't think!! I could ask Renan at work to do some cases for you if you wanted though, Rowan.

    Thanks Dave, no need to drag anyone else into it 🤣, its more a "if I can I will" for my own curiosity and just to get an idea for the amount of difference small changes might make. When you are old and you only average 200watts per ride a 10W saving is pretty big. 

  5. Two new bikes, one for getting to work and winter road bike, and one for the dry. The trek looks a lot nicer in real life, and it is rapid. Went waxed chain on the summer bike as it won't get that much use 🤣

    Picked up the trek on the cycle2work scheme and transferred all the stuff to the tifosi as I had a group, bars and wheels already. The Rostra Frameset was a bargain at £240!! so I think its around £2350 all in for both bikes, which Im pretty happy with. 



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  6. If you were designing a house from scratch, I guess the number of device might become big enough to be a problem, but with a decent router/network set up I can’t really ever see there being a problem for a relatively small number of devices. I can’t imagine they are taking up much bandwidth at 99.9% idle most of the time

  7. On 11/29/2023 at 9:08 AM, Luke Rainbird said:

    . Are you running a dedicated smart hub, Rowan?

    No, I’ve gone Wi-Fi over zigbee/whatever. Although the heating has a little one which is annoying. All the Shelly bits can be set up to run locally with ha if needed (I think), which is nice, but I’m not that bothered. The main reason I stopped using home assistant was I needed the raspberry pi for something else, and I wasn’t really doing anything I couldn’t do already without it

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  8. On 11/24/2023 at 11:06 AM, Luke Rainbird said:

    Anybody gone full smart home recently? I don't want to go balls deep, but some lighting/routines/general integration appeals so in research mode at the moment.

    not too much, but all the heating in the house and shed. The lighting in the shed is fully wired in, and a load of incidental lighting in the house. My top tips are - don’t get any google stuff, and Shelly stuff just works. The shed lighting is a Shelly dimmer wired into the back box onto a couple of dimmable flat panels. It has never ever failed or crashed or been unreachable. Rock solid and can work fully locally if needed. I’m planning to do the house lights at some point like that (possibly into the ceiling rose). I have a lamp on a simple shelly relay/button which is just as good. Dabbled with a little home assistant but could not be bothered to go that deep.


    id like to get some automated blinds for the shed as it’s south facing and a lot of glass! 

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  9. On 3/6/2023 at 2:24 PM, manuel said:

    The season is going to be a snore fest..... Verstappen might win 90% of the races. 

    It’s just so dull. Well done the FIA….

    It’s nice to see mclaren travelling around near the front as a pair of cars again, and having a bit of chrome on!

  10. Was on under 2% but new one is starting in a week. Managed to get 3.99% but it’s much longer than I initially hoped for at 5 years. It’s an extra £150 ish a month, which doesn’t sound much but for our combined pitiful earnings is quite a burn, especially when you factor in the rises in gas/elecy and even the rises in council tax! It’s a struggle, but we had it good for a long time, and it’s still about 1000000x cheaper than renting. Also we live in our own little housing bubble so if it came to it we could always leave and buy a house mortgage free in 90% of the country. (A decked out 3 bed a similar size just round the corner went for 600k🤪)

    I have been living in constant fear that the bank will pull our deal before it starts. 

  11. People don’t seem to understand the rules of cricket. Three former international cricket captains, and one of the greatest bowlers of all time - paid to do commentary - don’t understand one of the most fundamental laws of the game. 

    crazy pills

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  12. So I’d like to get a bit of riding in, but my rear hub is destroyed so I’ll be needing a new rear wheel. At that point what I’d like is to go a bit more modern - ideally through axles and most importantly discs. So I’m looking for a disc frame with similar geometry to an original hex. Nothing too short or high! 
    if nothing like that is available where does one go these days for custom? 

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  13. Might sound like a stoopid question but…

    If I’m modelling something to make on the printer, for example a replacement Ashton seat…. My general tactics as an absolute noob is to just create a solid body and slice it up with mirrored cuts to reduce it down to the right shape. Add some fillets and hollow it out. Feels like there must be a better way but drawing/extruding the shape from scratch seems beyond me, due to how all the sections create interesting shapes. Any advice? 

  14. Yeah, fusion gives a proper computer says no to any type of fillet on the top. Possibly doesn't like the pointy end? 


    The printer is ace and Griff really likes printing stuff - just need to order a webcam for the octopi setup, when we are abs-ing. Oh and find a permanent spot on the wall for it, and probably design a better enclosure than the one o got that is the size of a house.

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