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Posts posted by manuel

  1. never owned a looong bike but the difference i can see is a short one will bunnyhop and spin and roll (and probs be smoother) eaisier and a looong will swap and tap easier.

    I would say mid sized 1060-70 is the Ultimate frame for someone who rides bit old school......

    but it seems that all the crazy kids are going long these days !!!

    when in rome - buy whichever bike feels nicest to you after youve begged stolen and borrowed goes on other peoples.

  2. Back in the day i started doing trials on an XC bike too.....

    but now the choices are alot better - if you are a begginer, get an onza . . . or something else i would reckon.. in fact buy ashtons new frame - if you are smart you can finish that baby off for 500 with pretty grand stuff - it doesnt make sense to buy it Im sorry

  3. Mint day that was, and it was my 20th birthday  :(  :P

    ahhh bollox I forgot about that - happy birthday for then.

    soz for being a grumpy bugger aswell - my wrist is v slowly loosing pain - i went to casualty but the physio guy said i may have only "tweaked" it, wait a week then book an apointment with the clinic that i saw before .. . . :D

    before i left though some bloody good riding went down. the best was tunni going hey james i got one then gapping about a mile from a beam to a little bit of wood that i hadnt even seen .... porter tried and was close though . . . . :(

  4. Im going to Bristol Uni, living in Winkworth House. I want to keep riding as much as possible, and so far it sounds pretty promising :P

    Is that the brand new one if so you are one lucky mother....

    roll out of bed and youre at uni plus minto riding is like at the bottom of the hill .....

    and to get back up after you can take the elevator !!!!

  5. I'm off to (Bristol) Uni at the begining of October, and thinking about taking my bike. What's the riding like there? I see loads of group rides up on here, but will any of you lot be around while im there? And more importantly up for a ride?Or off to uni/elsewhere too?

    Id really like to bring my bike, but if there's a lack of riders around, it might not be worth it.

    So will there many riders around? Get in touch if you wanna meet up sometime!

    Cheers, Mat

    what were you thinking - not taking the bike - criminal in brissle.....

    loads of rides happen in brissle and im out all the time...

    also jimbo the man lives here.

    there is afew other uni riders about but they seem bit lame and not bother much .... (lazy f**king students)

    Incidentally which uni bristol or UWE and where abouts are you staying (which halls will determine your nearest and bestest riding spots)

  6. if i was a retard in the local nut house with my straight jacket on i would say "yes please"

    they look wank as.

    So when do you get yours porter ? ? ?

    they look much like other pixie shoes them bottom ones to me....

    the top ones are slightly oddball

    but the proof is in the wearing for me

  7. I think that unless you do ballet, then trials shoes should never be worn.

    or you are in fact a tiny little pixie

    Why do people seem to think that its either skate shoes or trials shoes??

    There are loads of trainers out there that are spot on for the job.

    I agree I had some old addidas shoes for tennis (oh yeah) that were minto for riding thin sole loads of grip comfy .....

    anyway dont waste your money on shoes you can only wear for riding that will only last like a month and are overpriced generally.

  8. nope, echo front rim and a rather low tyre, bout the same as what rowan runs. ah well was just interested as im bored to feck nout to ride in the dark down here, i dont think corwall have heard of street lights.

    Youre tyre probably fits though porter.... my hot s literally falls off without air in ...

    Cheers for the advice....

    Im thinking tubeless is alot of effort and dont i need a tubeless tyre ? ££££

    Ive already tried padding the hole out and that dont work......

    The zip ties are a good idea ( ilike it because its cheap )

    Q . Is presta the roady style high pressure valve ? ?? ? If so then i dont have an adapter to pump it up. . boo

    so I guess the best idea was to find a skinny tube with a car type (cant remember what theyre called) valve that can be locked onto the rim like the DH ones but where oh where .. .. . . .. . . . .

  9. As you most know i recently gave out a video on 20" xtp where i am hurting...

    well ... no wonder i was hurting..

    my wrist was BROKEN , operation tomorrow and no riding for 3 months since i will have a f**king bolt in my hand or whatever.

    so yess.. the entire 20" video was made with a broken wrist.

    woo bring out the smiles, im so hapyyy

    which bone ? ? ?

    scaphoid ? ?? ? or summat else - because yeah they suck big time

  10. Nice video - the old lady was born to be in front of a camera . . . . .

    The riding was good o from everybody and in the best spots too.. .. . . .


    the bristol ride was ace when you guys came up . . . . and I even make a small appearance in the vid (gotta get in there somehow) - the ramp was awesome fun when everyone made it up .. .. . even on a koxx with a weee gear awesome.

    as for the buggered rim well you know what I think - BLACK PADS NO GRIND. then that wont happen (hehe).

  11. Ok everytime I go and ride now the front tube valve is being cuttoff by the rim .

    Im runnin a viz front rim so its just a single wall meaning the valve isnt held upright. and the tyre i have is soo slack on the rim it just twists round making the valve be at a crazy angle and then psssssssssst. Im walking home......

    Ive tried padding the hole out but it still gets buggered it just takes a little while longer..

    Any ideas or anyone else had similar problems and Id love to hear from yer...


  12. Its at "THE BEAMS" . . . . .

    which is along the river from "THE TRAIN TRACKS" ......

    which is across the river from "BIG LLOYDS" ......

    which . . . . . . . . .

    isnt it funny how trials riders describe how to get around

    The beams are basically down in the basin (if you know brissle)

  13. Cheers guys, the slope that ashton and hawzie went down is pretty damn scary first time round - if anyone wants to do it i can take em along when they are in bristol . . . .

    As for the video weeeellll - more setbacks......

    after boons glorious bodge with a magura elbow thingy on the skewer to keep the mech on ive managed to snap my urbans in half on the steerer snap two spokes get about a million punctures and bugger up my pc's motherboard - not to plan really.

    but fingers crossed in two weeks itll be done . . . .

    Over And Out


  14. Yes thats Bristol suspension bridge build by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

    just on the other side of the river is the big steep slope that ashton and hawzie rode down in getta grip......

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