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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. derbi senda and gilera smt for crossers, but ive heard there unrealible, same with rs, fast bikes but some can be fine some can be a bag of shit ive got a piaggio nrg (ped)and it does me fine 50mph on the flat plenty enough but obviosly if you want speed gears is the way to go. also dt 50's rare but good, and also theres a 50cc derbi manual, looks like a rs but is faster i think, forget its name.
  2. i might come out, got to wait in for my new phone to arrive when it has ill probaly come out woody?zero matt?
  3. amazing get a downloadble one up?
  4. Shit me loved that video!!! MOre more more
  5. It looks so simlar to my pure but nice anyway
  6. Nice pictures you ladies coming out tomrow
  7. right tylers coming on feet dont get excited lkol keiran u coming????? me and jamie wil be there 10:30 hopefuly with others? woddy?rob?? xx
  8. looks lovely you big batty
  9. yu know its the way foward
  10. amazing one of my fave riders get a ful looong vid done! mitn bike btw
  11. 3 clips boshed im flipping bored
  12. didnt describe it properly then did u dick
  13. my mates did it, tryed downloaded the sound drives off net?
  14. mine did it like squeled and sliped i heated it upo like f**k and DIDNT put water on it and just did it a few times and set i up better, sanded down the pads, and its loads better now going to get a better lever though(sd7)as a good lever helpes allot also check everythings done up tight!
  15. by the army bit ill take u there and mat want to give me my pics and vids?
  16. 11 at copthorn everyone be there or when u do evuntsaly arive youll get a sloppy wet kiss and i aint decided where yet
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