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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. we can try the local bike shop im sure theyl have one ill meet you with some others i got school till 11 so wont be in till 12 but yeh
  2. Alex.loves.boys


    im cofused my computer says its 00:15 sio with the clock going fdoward it should be 01:15 yes
  3. Alex.loves.boys


    are you sure my computer clock stil says 12.03
  4. exactly there picking people up for riding on pavments wehen im scared of going hom when its dark becuase of my bike getin nicked in the area i live in i jhate this country
  5. playig with myself when im sat on the cpomputer without realising tpying stuff and not reading it over hence my shit spelling all lights have to be off in the room if no ones in there biting my nails picking cut/scabs playing with my hair lol
  6. becuase he probaly cant even ride trials and hes a dick.
  7. orite wel thats ur opion but i like gyser so i was sticking up for him
  8. I'm sorry but what do you do for a living some of the ones uve encouterd might of been pricks but how is it not a dcent job?
  9. shit would look better with my monty bars
  10. lookms ljush matt i want a front mag
  11. what the f**k are you on about and i changed back to zoos now i rode wth them today and there just to short
  12. hey, im tring out some monty pr bars as there the same geo as ti's and there just lay ther ein ym shed. i like them and that but are they strong? i dont want to kill myself... so yeh ayone broke any? im asuming there as strong if not stronger then the ti ones...
  13. why change them then looks nice dont see the point to be honest, i can understand some light parts but at least yu havnt gone to the extremes of drilling your frame and danny what are you on about your making it out like having a light bike is cheating lmao
  14. bloody hell i remebr whatching ur old vids loved them and loved this
  15. hehe do it phill. its the way and i used my digi picture cam, fugifilm s 5200
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