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Everything posted by Herbertlemon102

  1. Hello! Despite not being new to trials, it's taken me an awfully long time to find this... No idea how it took me so long, this website is a haven for all things trials. I was wondering, is what I've heard true? Have tryall/koxx gone out of business? On a second note, anyone have any tryall stiky lites they want to sell me? Also, what's the weight difference between a 19" drilled rim and a 20" drilled rim? With all the world pros using the front wheel more than ever, I thought they'll start using 19" on the front too... But there's obviously a reason why you don't have a beefy-ass tyre on the front.
  2. Fold a piece of paper in half 50-60 times and it'll reach the moon, due to exponential growth

    1. FamilyBiker


      yeah right but after 7 folds its physically restricted :)

    2. Herbertlemon102


      Exactly. If it wasn't, I'd've already made a tower to the moon.

    3. dann2707


      Haha that's awesome

  3. I still ride a mod with I lntergrated tensioners. Prefer them over cams anyday. Bit of grease on the bolts and it's right as rain. I admit they can be more of a fiddle
  4. Swigity swooty, I coming for that booty

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