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Everything posted by george_seamons

  1. He wasn't being a "willy". He suggested a way to contact these guys, for himself. It's not anybody on here's responsibilty to sort it out for him.
  2. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Stuart Broom riding a fence, moments before being chucked off by the security guard. Note the classic "No cycling" sign!
  3. *Could* win a bike. Its not that easy! :(
  4. This is going to be my second (and last :) )year of my A-levels. I originally took; Maths Physics ICT Product Design However, even though I got a B in my GCSE maths, I failed miserably in every single one of my AS maths tests. So I am no longer doing that! I knew I would though, because I'd run out of enthausiasm for it, especially after the tutors not letting me drop it because I "was nearly at the end of the work" :D Was I bollocks, we still had like three-quarters of a year to go! Anyways, this year I am taking; Physics ICT Product Design
  5. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Photograph of one of the puppies we had. Shot using a Canon EOS 5000 SLR camera, with a sunlight [1B] filter - no flash.
  6. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    An "art farty" photograph of one of my dogs - Mopi (Finnish name!) Shot using an old school SLR camera - fully manual, hence the slight focus loss. I was learning!
  7. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    I know its not trials, but it still counts! A photograph of the view out of my window, taken just before sunset. Shot using a Canon EOS 5000 SLR camera, with a sunlight [1B] filter
  8. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Photograph of Scott Pitcher. Shot using a Canon EOS 5000 SLR camera with a Skylight [1B] filter
  9. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Preloading for a 35" sidehop.
  10. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Taking off, ready to plant my front wheel on the block
  11. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Endoing off the block to a flat landing
  12. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Really random still of me flat-droping of a picnic bench. Looking back, I probably didn't need to squat quite that low!
  13. From the album: George Seamons's Pictures

    Found this block rather nicely placed, and decided to give it a shot
  14. The night sky now has one more star. Shine on DJ, show them how its done. You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten.
  15. Gayness. It looks like Janson's vee adaptors could prove to be a very big hit then, if they go into production, seeing as the majority of decent Magura pads don't come in vee brake form :P (And my brake is proper, you cheeky bitch! :( )
  16. :( Geesh. He doesn't know, he runs a grind! Anything said would be specualation. However, a good pad should not need any "additives" to make it work, they just make it work more.
  17. Any ideas if a vee brake version is being considered?
  18. He's a sexy boy too. Especially with that tongue piercing :lol:
  19. Oh sweet Jesus...thats hilarious! Well done, I can't stop laughing! (Y) George
  20. HA HA!! As soon as I saw that I knew it was an April Fools! George
  21. I've got another idea. Why not give us less-able users a guide, or a link to a tutorial, so that we don't need to ask you "Photoshop Gods" every time we want to change something. For example, how to change the colour of a component, how to chop and change compnents, etc etc, Cheers, George
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