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on that? u must be joking

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Posts posted by on that? u must be joking

  1. First thing is to decide what you want your laptop for. This is important because if you want it instead of your pc then you probably want a big beasty one that's not easily portable, whereas if you want one as well as a pc then you can afford to lower the spec you get in exchange for one that you can take pretty much anywhere, and which will have much better battery life away from the mains connection.

    I personally prefer the ultra portable type, but to do it properly you'd probably need to go secondhand.


    I'll probably post some more in a bit

  2. You have to top up atleast £10 a month. Printing those card's probably cost's less then 10p, so they can easily make their money back, very quickly.

    you only have to put the 10 on if you want the free stuff, you still get to use it as a pay as you go if you want.


  3. I've just got one of these as an upgrade on vodafone:

    Motorola SLVR

    and i'm having issues. One of the soft keys (the ones which change their function depending on the current screen) has been locked to vodafone live when the screen shows the desktop. I can change the functions of most of the other keys in the settings, but not this one. Would unlocking the phone be likely to allow me to change the function of this so that i can stop accidentally connecting?



  4. Up until going to uni I was all for the laser eye surgery thing. Then one of my lecturers, who let's face it is a bit of a cock and completely up his own arse, but nevertheless a highly intelligent bloke, mentioned that he'd been involved in a lot of research into measuring the effect of laser surgery on the eye. Basically the point he made was that the eye does not have the capability to heal itself like a bone would do, and so the area in front of where the incision is made becomes starved of nutrients and stuff. It's a long time ago, and i wasn't really listening that well, but he has put me right off laser surgery. I'm pretty sure Fuse was in the same lecture, so if he would care to elaborate that's fine by me.


  5. I presume you're intending getting top of the range cards to sli, because last time I looked at it, it was better to get one decent high end card for the price you'd pay for two cards in sli. It could have changed since then, but it's worth bearing in mind.


  6. I actually think these higher course fees are an astoundingly good idea - it should eventually put people off doing shit degrees like david beckham studies - if you do a worthwhile degree like engineering then you'll easily pay off your loan in a few years from the job you get. If you can't, then you clearly did a pointless degree.


  7. Well i got to day 44 no problem - make sure you've got plenty of craftsmen - but then failed because i accidentally refreshed the browser.



    edit: oops, posted the thumbnail, not the image

  8. I agree with most of the above posts. I had pretty much the same problem as you: I breezed through GCSE's with no problem at all, and assumed A-levels would be the same. Then I started getting n's and u's in some of my subjects. Lucky for me we could retake each module as many times as we wanted so I was able to come out with decent grades, but the only thing that made me put effort in was knowing that I was doing courses which would be helpful to me in later life (maths, physics, design technology and economics) as I wanted to be an engineer. From a-level onwards it's been a bit of a slog, but now i'm pretty much done with education and should have no problem getting my ideal job.

    There's no point in doing something just to please your parents as you will resent them for it for the rest of your life. My advice would be to assess whether you are actually doing the right courses for you or not, and if not then think about taking a different route. You clearly have the intellectual capacity to do pretty much whatever you want, you just need the motivation.

    Finally, stop being a lazy b*****d. There is no excuse for this and it is not acceptable as a reson for not putting in the required effort. Talk to anyone and they will tell you that they do not like work and can't be arsed with it.


  9. Have a good think about exactly what you want from your laptop, cos they vary from desktop replacements that weigh a shedload and are big, but quite fast, to ultra portables which may only have something like a 1.6ghz processor and smallish hard drive, but are about the same size and weight as an a4 writing pad.

    If you get one when you really were after the other then i'm pretty sure you'll be disappointed and fed up with it after a few weeks.

    Good luck with finding the right lappy,


    nice example of an ultra portable

    a desktop replacement

    for the record I got myself an ultraportable a couple of years ago, and it's been a hell of a lot of use, though I already have a desktop pc.

  10. There are 3 types of people in this world; dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get f**ked by dicks. But dicks also f**k assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can f**k an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they f**k too much or f**k when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us f**k this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!

    America.... f**k YEAH.

  11. i know this may sound wierd! but keep an eye old for some volvos!

    i have a 1.7 340 for a first car and insurance is around a grand!

    the 340, 360 or most volvo moddels are cheap to insure and great to learn in :D

    You absolute daddy. I used to have a 1.4 340. I got up to pretty much everything in it, including crashing into stuff at speed and rallying it and grounding it. I absolutely loved it. It put up with 3 years of this treatment before giving up the ghost (15 years after we bought it for my mum) and I wish we still had it.

    I honestly don't think it's worth insuring yourself in the first year because you will not realistically recoup the extra monetary outlay to insure yourself in your own name by achieving full no claims a year earlier. Also, you are most likely to crash in your first year so it is useful to be fully comp under your parents insurance.


  12. "Your system is among the top 6% of all systems scanned by the Game Advisor"

    Not bad for a year old pc :)

    "Processor AMD Athlon 64 2000MHz

    Display Card NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT

    Memory 1024MB

    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP

    Free Disk Space 35.35GB

    Display Card Memory 256MB

    Display Driver Version

    DirectX Version 9.0c

    Optical Drive CD/DVD

    Sound Card Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit "

    Andy (Sufficiently Chuffed)

  13. Just finished watching it, definately reccomend it to anyone.

    Made me cry  :">

    I saw it a long time ago, then just caught the end of it on telly the other day. What was the significance of people putting pens on the table when the Nobel guy was there - it was a bit of a Dead Poets Society standing on table saying "Oh Captain, My Captain" moment from the feel of it, but was lost on me.


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