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Everything posted by James_Porter

  1. do you like seeing flang???? no. boys dont really like seeing dick, and a man has a dick. dick+man= man man. when a women is kissing a man man, the man dont like it. but when a women with a axe wound and another axe wound come into contact we have whats called an erection in the mans pants (this only counts if they are nice and good looking, ie no penis). thats why we like seeing lesbo action :'( :lol:
  2. how the hell do you last 3 weeks?!?!?!?! me and my mates tried this way back, i was the first out at like 4 days :"> then we tried again and i was out the first day :"> and i will tell you why i was allways first out, cause i couldnt get to sleep at night, my head was like a fecking porno when i was trying to get to sleep and i got bored. also i dont think it was fair that they all had g/f's and i didnt, they say they didnt get nout or anything but i dont believe them :lol: :'( :P enough said, and im not addicted anymore. :P only had 1 today!!!!!!!!!! :( :ermm:
  3. jon get on msn now... :'( yes im riding tomorrow :lol:
  4. that is SOOOO true. can you get addicted????? i think i used to be :'( . i think it was more down to the fact i had a g/f then i had nothing, therefore my right hand came in extreamly helpful quite a lot. this isnt me being harsh, but what do people with like no hands do it? and horses???
  5. well im not actually "cuming" but i will be in bristol tomorrow ye, got to scav some money
  6. what the hell have i done kerrie?!?!?!??!?!?!? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x999999999999999999999999Mr monkey
  7. arranged and prearrganged jon. myself, matt b and the worcester lot are.
  8. ye your right jenn... she certainly would get the blood flowing im still not sure ben, how can anyone have a shuffle over an american pie...
  9. you were right ben, it is sick :- (Y) what if he was a pre school teacher person too??????????? then what would he do, WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!
  10. what if his dogs gay????? where to then ben WHERE?????? :- "Liss" your strange i sware....
  11. James_Porter


    exactly, haha. also when i think im skateboarding (Y) time for some riding anyways...
  12. im such a bellend... ye ladies kissig (Y) :-
  13. i know YOUR interested, i just dont know who you are...i thought you were nadine ffs. im so confused (Y) what is your actual name :"> you dont have to answer me, im just interested (no pun intended) where you have come from. ;) :( WAIT, WTF 2 years?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?! i really need to pay more attention :-
  14. James_Porter


    sometimes when im lying in bed i visualise moves i wanna do, this makes me twitch like hell, its mainly when im like half asleep and half awake.
  15. who is "interested"? i thought it was nadine, but it isnt...
  16. why is it as soon as girls get SLIGHTLY drunk they have to kiss each other all the time, my lady mates always do it. they did it for the camera aswell which has gone round everyone. i think its got to be two nice women rather than... i wouldnt really wanna stick around if anything happened with her^^ :- but if this lady was to start anything i dont think there are any lads in the world, even gay ones that wouldnt find that arousing (Y) :( be interesting to read the ladies comments on this, i bet kerrie likes it ;) :)
  17. awesome video chai, some naughty riding there (Y) :( . GET A STOCK i think are the words screaming from the video. get more footage next time though, a lot of it seemed repeated and so the video got a bit repetitive. my only criticism that side hop to down to up to spin off was soooooooooooo cool ;) :-
  18. going up to her on your own would be better, i would think " ah feck off" if a mob of girls came up to me, but it would never happen to so dunno why i am even thinking about what i would do :blink: . haha just go up to her on your own and make sure your flies are done up and you dont have a hefty boggie hanging out your nose holes. then just push yourself and say "hello my name is miles" but not in a steven hawkins kind of way... and then go on to say... "my mate james is ginger and lives in swindon and told me to say this so dont laugh at me, laugh at him, but i think your very pretty and i would like it if we could get to know each other, heres my number (add "bitch" *here* for gangster affect if you want, never know she might be into that sort of thing) if you wanna text and chat". then say "oh browsticks, im late for my 4 minutes past the 4th hour of the day meeting with my accountant, must dash dahhhhhhhhhhhlin" you will look like a right tit with that last line but would be funny :'(" i have had way to many ideas in this topic
  19. should have lobbed a spork at her.
  20. yep, nick showed me and Mr pedrosa some of the stuff and i can safely say WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! some really mind blowing stuff in this dvd, especially nicks section :blink:
  21. shes blocked now for talking to me about straightening my hair to much :)
  22. LMFAO!. ye dirt biker, "i would wanna jump in your pants that second" im sooooooooooooooooo going to have to use that. i allways confuse the crap out of gals, really isnt good. :) i have found myself in a gay (shes not actually gay) girl situation, hahaha. LMFAO!!!!!!!!! you allways get a blonde
  23. you allways drink some flavoured drinks though, judging from your car, i didnt see one water bottle on sunday :P wanna get some luco in you :( :P . who doesnt like water when you are thirsty, its the best :) . i like water, allways have water with me when i ride, and will always drink a 2L bottle with ease on a ride. water forever, luco never...and so on :)
  24. not knowing what rossi is doing now i dunno if i am going or not. i will be making the bristol ride for sure and i might be able to make the porthcawl and southampton rides, we will have to see though. stupid rossi ^_^ :(
  25. feck me, i was watching the simpsons on channel 4 today and you know the pizzahut things, the kid in that looks like joe maher (Y) LMFAO! if only i had a pic (N) :D
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