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Everything posted by An_toin3

  1. I have my helmet, just forgot to put it on Normally, when I'm riding away from home I have my helmet all the time ! Cheers for the comments, keep them coming !
  2. Hi all ! Wanted to go for a small ride on my own but it started to rain, still decided to ride on my wall in the rain ! Had a lot of fun ! More challenging to ride in rain ! Took some clips of that ! and made a video, little editing, no song so you can hear the rain falling down here it is http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/An_toin3 An_toin3 Rain vid - sorry for the blurryness in some of the clips Comments appreciated !
  3. Only thing I hate about this video is the black+white all the way and the slow-mo effect.. that ruined the whole vid ! the first one was much better ! I have to admit it though, the gap at the end was very nice
  4. An_toin3


    I have some good news for the majority of you Ken - Thetrialsinshop's owner - Published a little part of an email with deng ! It's good to know that he listened to what other peoples thought ! and that he will make them in 2 versions
  5. Yabaa bow updated pictures New front tire ! Switched for a Try-all and home made tensionner ! There's also some new pads on the front (V-fly) and on the back ! (plaz PMG) and a new rear freewheel
  6. Give me a link to the video and I'll have a look
  7. Gotta love the tap to manual Looks so nice ! Your sidehops are looking very good ! Well done on them rials and nice choice of song ! Now just bring out a longer one
  8. Crazy !, Them drop-gaps are so big ! shame you bailed on the 15ft gap ! you looked quite in pain after that The gaps to front are very nice too ! It is better than your first vid ! keep up the good work
  9. An_toin3


    Deng has made a post on OTN concerning 116mm and other things about his new frame Only thing I'm not pretty sure about is the 116mm spacing I don't mind Horizontal Dropouts !
  10. Nice vid, keep up the good riding
  11. When I'm clicking on the link, it's telling me that your directory doesn't even exist ? Is it only me ?
  12. My old DX-32 that I drilled myself
  13. That's what I decided, because now I think I've f**ked everything up !
  14. Yeeah because all the little f**king bearings goes on the floor and you lose the big majority of them ! What a great experience Think I have everyone of them ! Oh and when I opened it up, I noticed some bearings missing ? or maybe it was normal, but there a 1cm space between the bearings.., I don't think that it is normal ?
  15. ooh right Now, sorry to sound like a perfect noob.., but I have never serviced my freewheel, I had 2, the other one died because of the threads.. ! So How do I open it up ?
  16. Forgot to say, it's a freewheel on the rear, but that doesn't change anything to what you said OBM ! I don't have the tool to take if off ?, LBS is at like 40min from here Is there another way to remove it ? Thanks for the fast reply
  17. So here's the deal, Last night I tried a front gap, and my freewheel skipped pretty harsh, resulting me going head first on a wall, luckyli I managed to put my hand and get out of this safely ! After that, my freewheel hasn't been the same, it's skipping very often and doing some very wierd noise. My first thoughts were that it's dead, but it's still engaging and everything, it's only skipping Here's the sound in question that I Recorded ! Freewheel Broke I'm pretty sure someone on here knows what it is. I just need to know if I keep my freewheel or I simply put it in the garbage Thanks
  18. Was a little bit too long ! But apart from that, I really enjoyed that vid Nicely edited Too, keep up the good work
  19. Amazing quality !! Amazing file size too for some reason, mine was playing faster on some part Was a good video, but I don't think it's really worth the 200Mb and more !
  20. Feeder - Oxygen 3 doors down - down poison or only *poison* not sure have fun finding them
  21. Yeah I love that too !, I think I spent 1hour on a curb the other day doing small move but fun move Or If I find a "big" line, I try to make it more intersting like, little manual then do the move,etc !
  22. Nice video !, your Chain is making noise lol Loved the editing with the song, your sidehops have improved since your last Keep it up
  23. yeah, you have to request one.., when you register they don't give it to you, don't know why though ! If I remember, I requested a new password.., try it, will probably work ! Downloading the vid now
  24. you guys are sick ! Really liked the video, watched it twice already Nasty bail at the end Matt
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