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Deonn h

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Everything posted by Deonn h

  1. Deonn h

    Koxx Vinco

    Whats the point of that shit pic only showing the frame.Il decide if i like it when i see the bike.
  2. Freewheels are gay though. Just get an old second hand king mines mint. Hopes are great hubs aswell though , just need this problem sorted then itle be an ace hub.
  3. 1.Submerge the full brake in the bath. 2.Undo bolts and tpa. 3.Put your finger over the open hole on the lever body and press the lever blade down. 4.Take your finger off the hole and slowly bring the lever back to normal position which sucks water in. 3*Place finger over hole again 4* 3* 4* 3* 4* 3* 4* 5. Do the bolts up under water. Follow that it will work. dont pump the brake without finger over hole it wont do a thing.
  4. Fuk me you need to chill out lol , its like you have written a peice out of a overly dramatic book. People snap forks all the time i recommend getting some echo forks , will be alot stronger than your montys My monty forks were the worst of my fork snapping experiences , didnt creek or anything just snapped and wacked me face on ground lol.
  5. Why would you want to know whos liable? Im confused.
  6. Dont worry lol , i screwed one side of my echo external bb in my gu the wrong way round (wondered why it was stiff) Took it to halfords they retapped it , my bb just spun in , job done , sorted , no problems. Take it to halfords/ local bike shop. Edit: Dont try turn it more or owt just take it out and leave it , theyle have the tools to sort it properly itle be fine. fuk just realised uve sorted it, ignore this then.
  7. What places did you lot actually go to? You just need someone who knows there way around not just go to normal places like Playhouse, That shitty 44" wall at uni , granite walls and art gallery.Theres places like round the other side of uni which is better,past uni places near station that people never go to.
  8. lol , i dont know how to make a game with you:|
  9. Ooo il add you give you a match on PGR 4. Anyone add me " De Halliday " Only got 3 games though: PGR 4 Fifa 08 Forza 2
  10. Bump! ive just got addicted to this . My usernames deonnh , sign up , add me , get owned. Or funkysnooker , same username.
  11. That pool games shit if you want online pool go on www.funkypool.com .You can play as a guest or register. lol
  12. Wanted to come to see everyone , but was too tierd got back from airport bout 10 ended up goin straight to bed . Maybe have another leeds ride when weathers better?
  13. I carnt even express my own opinion on a bike , and my post got deleted.Why? its my opinion. Attempt number 2: Looks not nice atall and not the nicest toxin ive seen. This one better not. Shouldnt post a pic of your bike if you dont want an opinion.Even though its not you whos complaining about it.
  14. Deonn h

    Cls - July 07

    Amazing that , just unique fluent style . Think its some old plaz pads hes got on back.
  15. Ahh not christmas over here for another 3 hours!
  16. Or maybe he got owned but tried redeeming himself by making it like he was being sarcastic. Or maybe he was just being sarcastic lol.
  17. Take it off lol.Boosters are gayy.
  18. lol all forks snap , plus there the old 06 ones with thin steerer Reply to post below..There not thick steerer as there the 06
  19. They didnt let me when that happened once , i would of thought its mandetory to let bikes on replacement bus but obviously not .
  20. lol ^.Good pics well done on the new sponsor . Why have you put tape all over your forks?
  21. To be honest i like the current one alot better
  22. The 07 short python will feel shorter than your short ko as the reach is quite far on them from what i remember riding someones , along with lower bb.The 07 long python dosent feel really long compared to the previous 06/05 long versions so it wont feel much longer than your ko if atall. Anyways its upto you really , if youve been on a short python before and you like it then
  23. Deonn h


    Tyketrials is in yorkshire.Not sure whats near you so id just search round the forum theres loadss of topics like this.
  24. Personally i didnt like my short 07 python at all , the reach is way short kept hitting legs on the bars . I dont think longer stays is nessecerely better for sidehops either , just lower front more.Id personally get long.
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