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Everything posted by MattB

  1. Braintree people, guys from clacton, few others from other places and us lot. You owe me money as well. Unless you wanna buy me a KMC kool chain and give me a fiver. Matt
  2. I didnt it was just really loose causing it to skip every 10 seconds.
  3. Well Ill go mac Ds as soon as I'm off the train. So ill be at the peir for 10. So would the braintree crew if they get the right train. Matt
  4. Tarty do em for £135. Other than that chain reaction might do something. Matt
  5. One Phrase Hope Mono Trial Expensive but look how well my disc grips. Matt
  6. Erm Hampshire competitions go biketrialuk and click on the Clubs link then Hampshire link. There is one this Sunday. Matt
  7. Ok OT again but how do I tighten these things up. Matt
  8. MattB


    Very nice rick. Gonna have to go there 1 day. Matt
  9. Ok thanks will it matter if it gets on the discs? Matt
  10. Yup mines just died I think. Either that or it needs a clean. Anyone know how? Matt
  11. When you get to US immigration make sure the green form is filled out perfectly otherwise you get sent to the back of the que which is a pain if you just missed out a couple of boxes. Also as everyone else has said US immigration people are like robots, they do a job and nothing else. If you've hired a car I suggest you pay the extra to have the quicker option as when we waited for our hire car it took 4 hours!!! If not just grab a bite to eat and enjoy. Matt
  12. Do it in the evening I think as the current plan is to meet at the peir at 10. Gonna be so good and we got quite a few people coming from our area as well. Matt
  13. Thats good. Last thing I heard was he was geting quite good. Looks to me like we'll all be getting the train same train so should be fun. Quite a few of our lot coming. Can we spend more time at the skatepark as that was awsome. For anyone that doesn't know it has a freeride bit as well. Matt
  14. Luke you know Ben Clegg right (He's from colchester). Does he still ride or has he quit aint seen him in yonks. Matt
  15. The monty is going to be seriously light and has the option of dual disc. It ride really nice so why would you even want a GU? Matt
  16. weather Looking ok. Us lot will come whatever the weather and you guys from braintree might wanna check the train times as I think the trains are hourly into clacton and the first 1 is half 9. Matt Edit-If you go mac D's I'll come
  17. Yeah theres one in shoebury but it is very small, there is nothing for experienced riders and if you value your bike then stay away from there.
  18. Yeah ride rain or shine, a bit of rain never hurt anyone. Matt
  19. Me dan and a few others will coming hopefully. See you there Matt
  20. Hampshire is your best bet as your not going to get anything closer. Just drive or get a lift with your parents. Apart from that you have EBTC or South west club. Matt
  21. Elite Tom Rankin Scott Wilson Daniel Smith Steve Thompson James Sheridan Andrew Pooley James Butcher Joe Seddon Joe Parsons Expert Steve Rogers Stuart Matthews Dan Wheeler Ben O'connor Adam Storey Intermediate Matthew Bird Darryl Smith Ryan Crisp Ian Proudfoot Jack Balman Frank Smith Dan More Ben Henderson Byron Simpson Patrick Smith White Green Billy Simpson Chole Smith White Glenroy Martin Adam Boxall Nicholas Bird Spencer Stevens Alex Norman Alastair Smith Paul O'connor Sam O'connor Matthew Bailey Max Jones There all in order from first to last. I was going to put a link to the results up but it won't let me so I'll type them out later. Was a really good comp and I think everyone had a great day even if some of the elites did go for a swim . Big thanks go to the observers and Stuart for setting the course up . Matt
  22. Ill still be coming if its raining. Got a problem with my brake which may be sorted but ill still ride it anyways. See you tomorow. Matt
  23. Me and Dan are coming about 10 as stuarts getting there at 10. Should hopefully be a few others like ryan and ben staying for a bit. Matt
  24. If you do wanna come comp Joe I would ring dave Bradley on 01702 559137 and ask or you can go here click and get directions of you scroll down. Matt
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