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Everything posted by cp101

  1. i really wonder how so many people can afford magura brakes..honestly. These blokes are going "GET MAGURAS" right off. Or hell, even HOPE's. I get base wage. I think the first statement is in part due to the fact that many riders here are <18 and don't have to pay rent! Avid BB7 Mechanical. Get the Red Pads for it. You'll save money. You'll be a better braker. It'll do the same exact job as a £200 brake.
  2. yea, but its more stress on your fork or frame.
  3. In comparison, what are the advantages and dis-advantages of a longer wheelbase, a shorter wheelbase,etc.
  4. quite a few new members havent been validated. Five foot gaps? three months? Nice.
  5. if you have the time, the room and the materials, make your own starter trials obstacle course in garage, basement, backyard, i dunno. buy some wood, hammer it together, or hell, find some wood. Go to parks, find a rock or something, make that rock your bitch.
  6. and about the same price as the normal avid pads.
  7. ive heard different to tell you the truth. but, im not gonna buy any trials specific parts anytime soon, too hard to service in this area.
  8. Zebdi mk5 Frame, Echo Urban fork, Avid Bb7 back and front, truvativ hussefelt 22/32(yah, not very good, and is heavy ) truvativ dh bb. Some random seat, some random post. Now I just have to put it together. With a soon to be named headset and stem.
  9. You can adjust v-brakes to be rather powerful. Lenosky used V-brakes..they worked for him..and he's a giant of a man.
  10. Eh, its always interesting to see what other riders see. But I guess it's actually not. Right?
  11. I have an idea; 1) A bloke or bloke-ette takes a picture of an open area with possible riding spots. Makes two copies. A. With copy A he/she, with an Image program, like Photoshop, or even Paint, draws the lines he sees in the picture. 2) Posts Copy B here. 3) We try to find the lines in the picture for the riding spots the photographer saw. 4) After x-number( determined by photographer )submissions by other riders, photographer posts his version. 5) Whomever is closest gets to take the next picture. Good idea?
  12. try interloc's dual banger; dual piston mechanical disc.
  13. I dabble in the visual arts, and I am a poor musician. Don't use Linkin Park. Anything that is angsty, and rather BAD at that, don't use. Yes, it's opinion, but these are grown men, GROWN MEN TALKING ABOUT PROBLEMS YOU FACED AS FOURTEEN YEAR OLD. I am done. Trip Hop - good stuff, slow and mellow. Massive Attack Unkle Rock - Soft, usually, not a lot of distorted guitar. Audioslave's new album is pretty good. Coldplay If you use the internet, as I'm sure you do, download Adobe Premier, those bastards are rich as it is, f-em, and you're not selling the stuff, are you? But, yes - a lot of footage, a lot of differing footage, most people don't like seeing the same thing over and over again. That bench may be pretty, but I don't care for it. If someone crashes, and tries the same thing again, for the sake of originality, don't include that as your footage. Like Ryan Leech says "manifesto style" in that cocky canadian accent. make sure you don't capture half the hopping a rider does to correct himself. Get rid of the sound from the pre-music footage for christsakes, its tacky. If you see someone about to crash, follow the rider, to see how he messed up, then use it for the footage of the crash video you're gonna make one day featuring your favorite hard rock band ( not Linkin Park ). Don't use classical music; trials is not that fancy. you wish. YOU WISH.
  14. That's feather lite. I think the cutting of the tube is a good idea. One tube within another. Just make sure the edges are smooth.
  15. Urban trials, street trials, whatever is just doing trials riding on the street. Like hopping on mailboxes. Ryan Leech, Jeff Lenosky..street trials..
  16. I've seen pink ones. Why not just take a metallic paint and paint your existing spokes?
  17. I contribute plenty. And that isn't called talking shit, it's called sarcasm. And btw, a suspension fork, even a small travel one adds a helluva lot more life to your elbows, wrists, other joints, frame, headset. The impact is distributed through the fork, which being easier and cheaper to replace than a frame. And, man, you made three topics about the same exact thing, when you knew from the start that you were going to come to no conclusion.
  18. Seriously mate, callus'..that's annoying you. Take the pain, it's not a big deal, it'll make the surface of your palm a lot rougher, therefore stronger. Unless your woman is complaining about how rough your hands are, whoop dee f**king doo. Ever scuff your hand up? The pain stays for ages, doesn't it? Now just imagine if you beat your palms up a bit more.. I'm not gonna call you a fanny, per-say, but I am going to put you in the same category as one. Make sure you don't break a nail either sweetheart.
  19. Or he's got the bollocks of a bull.
  20. cheers mate. you, i have a specialized p3, good bike for urban assault, but a below average bike for trials. And when I started trials, I had only my back brake, which only barely worked.
  21. I'm telling you mate, get vans slipons! ahahah...
  22. That's what I posted. Then again, no one pays attention to the asinine American..who isn't really American.
  23. I'm purchasing a zebdi mk5 tomorrow, the wheelbase is 1025, I believe. What length stem should I purchase to counteract this, as me being 184 cms or so.
  24. While on the topic, I'm getting a Zebdi Mk5 frame soon, and I need a new stem ( and headset, but, I know what I'll get ), I'm about 6'1", when length stem should I be looking at?
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