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Mike Poyzer @ Onza

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Posts posted by Mike Poyzer @ Onza

  1. You could make a stem that had a special groove in it to make sure it was perfectly aligned with the fork :turned:

    Those options have already been considered and dismissed for the following reasons.

    1. We obviously want it to be universally usable with any stem. This fork has been researched pretty thoroughly and after discussions with various distributors in Taiwan we do have ambitions for it outside of Trials.

    2. Although the manufacturing process should be able to align the flutes identically on every fork we did not want to apply that extra pressure on the factory as yet. Don't want h/bar stems going off at 2 degrees.

    If in the unlikely event that we do have a problem, we have a better design solution which I won't go into on here. (unless you all promise not to tell anybody)

    We are a bit defensive on this as we know all our main trials rivals have extensive pictures of the fork taken on the stand in Taipei.

  2. Thanks everyone for this and my apologies again for if I have spoken out of turn to anyone else. Reading Foxracers last post I think maybe the Trading company he has dealt with is probably the cause of all this problem. There are many such companies in Taiwan who claim to "make" things and they are always the biggest source of leaked information.

    Anyway,to move on, we now have some much more professional pictures of the frames and will start uploading them later.

  3. Joint statement from Mike Poyzer of Onza and Bartek Ozminski of Trials PL of Poland.

    On the New Products from Onza thread in the news section a posting was made claiming that one of the frames recently launched by Onza was actually designed by a "Friend" and Onza stole the design, using a drawing he "obtained" as proof. It turns out that the friend he refers to is Bartek Ozminski of Trials.PL . Bartek wishes to make it clear that he never claimed to have done this and accepts Onza's right to produce this frame without any claim of stolen designs. He never authorised the Poster to make this claim. Both Onza and Trials PL accept that the design of Trials frames very often converges and it is easy to find similarities in one frame or another. This is the evolution of design and does not mean that designs have been stolen. Trials.PL and Onza will continue to work together in a spirit of co-operation for the good of the future of trials.

    They both hope that this subject is now laid to rest and that they can get back to the business of producing, promoting and selling their Trials bicycles and parts.

  4. We have recently appointed a US distributor called J & B Importers. They area huge business over there but they are only gradually taking in the parts. They distribute to virtually every cycle shop in the US but do very small numbers with us at this stage. It is however the sort of company we have been looking for several years to take it on. If you want Tensile or Onza parts ask your local dealer and tell him he can source them from J and B. The more feedback that goes back that way the more they will begin to see it as potentially main stream. We are within a whisker of getting them to take complete bikes this year but they will need to be bought by the consumer. As somebody else said, you need to reach critical mass before it really takes off like the UK. And you need to get much broader availability of both bikes and parts.

  5. In terms of the main range, there will be a root and branch reform of the whole range of Mods this year. We listen to all aspects of comment by our team, riders and general comments. All criticisms and suggestions will be addressed. The new range will further establish our credentials as the number one supplier of entry level bikes and the Pro Series and Tensile will keep us in touch at the top end.

    In terms of hydro formed tubes, we have the Cleaner with hydro formed down tube which has had a prototype tested for over a year and it wasn't our first prototype with hydro form tubes. Hydro formed tubes are available in a huge number of shapes and sizes and they are appearing in virtually every discipline of bicycle frame.

    Onza are moving forward in a big way and we last week picked up our first South American distributor. Thats all I'm going to say to the negative comments.

  6. unfortunate, that

    personally, if i had a choice between two things, one light and strong, and another lighter and less strong, i'd go for the stronger one

    maybe because i'm from yorkshire and don't want to splash out on summat that will end up costing more.

    what about the rim with the hogs and the set of 4 holes? i rather liked them :)

    they'd go nice with my future Ice :P

    this rim:


    Lightness and strength always involve a trade off. The new Hog rims as detailed in the photo will be available before the pro series and will be significantly cheaper.

  7. Yes you are talking Rubbish LOL. The only rims you can press out the holes are single skin rims. Our front hog rims are pressed and the side holes are drilled. ALL these processes are done after the rim is constructed NOT when in strip form. Even the spoke holes are pierced afterwards. With the double skin rims, round holes are normally drilled. On our hedgehog pierced rear rims the outer skin of the rim is drilled and then the hog is pierced through that hole. That is why the hog is always smaller than the hole.

    The new rim hole is however a square hole and the only way to do it is by CNC machining. I know that other people have done this before but we are the first to get it manufactured at source. Each hole is cut individually and the complete rim takes about 15 minutes time up, of a half million pound machine. That is why they are so expensive.

    The rim will be an Onza Pro Series not a Tensile. The reason is that all Tensile products have a degree of uniqueness and preferably some intellectual property ( patents registered design etc.) Whilst we asked the rim manufacturer to produce these rims, he wanted us to take 3500 rims a year to keep exclusivity. All the tooling is his, not ours so we have no hold on that. With the best will in the world I don't think we would sell that many at 50 plus pounds. We therefore passed on the exclusivity aspect and are relying on the price barring any other company from buying it. That is also why we didn't call it Tensile.

    Also in the production models holes will be cut square on both inner and outer skin.

  8. Right guys

    Sorry about how messy the photo's are and how muddled up they are. I'm borrowing a laptop (dropped mine in Hong Kong) and using the exibitions internet so I'm not having the easiest of times.

    The Limey 20" will have a disc mount.

    The Ice Geo Is 1025, +70 BB and 360

    Limey 3 1080, +30 ,380

    Bframe (crazy headtube one) T-Pro Geo,

    Limey 20" is 1010, not remember the bb and Cs

    Although geo has been set for our team riders, Production may change.

    The Fork steerer tube idea is because, 1, production model will be anodised black with the steerer tube then CNC'ed to give a very bling look through the new haed tubes. It works with a normal headset, it also reduces the weight of the fork with out comprimising the strength.

    All the frames will be around the £300 mark, at a wild stab in the dark, so they will not be expensive.

    Wayne, I am bringing all the protos home on the plane. So you will have them for Koxx days.

    Meetings have been sucessfull regarding the New Tensile hub too,

    Any more questions? Its 9.45 am here so Ill be able to answer them this time tomorrow again.


    Sorry its Joe by the way,

  9. Chris King patented the Ring Drive mechanism system which operates inside all their freehubs. It does not matter how many sprockets it runs, 1 up to 10, it is the drive mechanism which counts. The mechanism was not a new idea but applying it to bicycle hubs was. It uniquely does not use a pawl and ratchet system, but has a toothed ring drive system in which all 72 teeth engage in forward drive. The only similar system I know of is used in Huegi hubs made by DT Swiss.

  10. Sorry I didn't get the pictures up but we've been snowed under getting ready for the show. Probably won't manage it now as we are off to Taiwan tomorrow. Will try and post up pic's of new stuff from there on Wednesday/ Thursday.

  11. This does work. It is a very old but tried and tested system. We made one many years ago and you need a special extra long threaded hub and through screwing freewheels like the Dicta style.You cannot use a cassette hub with two sprockets on, because both freewheels need independent ratchets. We have also designed but not yet made a two speed unicycle using the same system. It is best to use the backward pedaling gear as your low gear to get going and then into your forward pedaling high gear once you are moving. You are definitely going to need some engineering facilities because I do not think you can do it with standard components.

  12. Possibly the worst bit of PR ever? Could have spent a bit of time making sure it was correct english!

    Oh believe me, that is quite good for Taiwan. I have seen much, much worse than that. You do have to give them credit for having a go at producing something in a totally alien language. Many Taiwanese people speak English but don't write it so well. Google translator has a lot to answer for.

  13. On the contrary, it would seem that if you run a rear freehub, 14 Tooth is the cog of choice with a 16 up front. The only reason to run a bigger rear is if you are using a Middleburn or similar crank which will not take less than a 20/22. From a weight issue alone, it makes sense to use as small a sprocket on both back and front.

  14. The mod frames shown in those earlier postings were design concepts which we developed and ultimately rejected around four years ago. We thus allowed that particular manufacturer to produce them under his own brand but as far as I am aware, nobody else ever took them on, although there are aspects which have been incorporated in current designs. We still have three of the prototypes here in the factory.

  15. This is actually nothing like the King system. It is just a variation on a standard ratchet and pawl system.

    And there is no way on earth that this will stand up to trials. Trust me, Joe and myself have had this whole mechanism in our hands. I think it was actually designed for road racing.

  16. First of all let me say that we are working on freehub designs and have been for a considerable time. There is very little new in conventional ratchet and pawl systems and "muels" design has been used before. We are working on one particular patentable idea at the moment and we have other design concepts as well. There are a lot of patents still in place on freehubs and you have to navigate through them. I would make it clear that nobody soon will be producing a cheap Chris King copy as their mechanism is patented until 2017.

  17. You all know that Onza has become synonimous with affordable trials bikes well specc'ed and reliable. Riders however often then move on to something they perceive as being a more fashionable upgrade.

    We have had long discussions with our dealers and distributors, our team and with trials riders in general. Some suggested introducing a new brand for our high end product which we have considered. We felt however that young riders who buy a T-Vee or similar still need to aspire to be like our Team riders and therefore they still need to ride the same brand. Consequently the idea of the Onza Pro Series has evolved. There will be no Pro Series complete cycles but we will produce frames, forks and any other components under the Pro Series marque. There may be low numbers, signature frames and exclusive items but they will all be Pro Class products.

    At the same time it is not our intention to ignore the lower end. Our new range of entry level machines is well advanced and there are some exciting changes in the pipeline. Watch this space.

  18. That wasn't a T-Bird, it was a prototype frame which we built about three years ago. (about a year before Koxx did it, before anybody says anything). We never pursued the frame because there was no discernible advantage to warrant the increased cost. So we built it into a bike and cleared it on Ebay.

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