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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. That was on the vicar of dibley (however you spell it) last week! She was playing it on her laptop, i think they were trying to get a point across, since it's meant to be a comedy programme, but there wasn't anything funny at all in that scene.
  2. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    LOL thats what I was thinking! :D 800x600 on a 21" must look.... gah! :D
  3. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    I worked that out, but it's still too damn slow. I like to be able to just be at the left or right almost instantly (like with a regular scroll bar) Meh, It's not exactly a big deal, it took me longer to type up these posts :D :D
  4. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    The scrollbar is too damn slow! :D Other than that, nice :D
  5. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    It's BONGO, lighten up, yee of 30 something posts... at least get to know members before telling them to grow up :-
  6. New desktop, featuring.... my bedroom... lol :rolleyes:
  7. Alexx

    The O.c

    Meh *shrugs* Laguna Beach: The Real Orange Country is better anyway... (pitty there are only 8 episodes though lol)
  8. yeah, updated a bit... Everything also fades and slides just like OXS, my windows even slide down onto the taskbar... how novel, lol!
  9. Alexx

    Boring Avatar

    LMAO :) The subtle way of introducing forum addicts back to the real world, instant ban @ 6050 posts :o
  10. Alexx

    Boring Avatar

    Yeah on the other forums I post as some dude called $AJ has 127,000 posts... :sick: oh dear
  11. WTF? :) lmao! Jons been dreaming about me again :mellow: EDIT: I just realised i's missed the last 2 pages of this thread... :o eee :)
  12. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    I doubt the thread was posted for any other reason (Y)"
  13. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    Jon has very high 'e-standards'. :-
  14. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    I've seen 13 y/o's wearing a lot worse than that.
  15. Alexx

    Sister Time!

    :- she's 13? daym - i'd have said like 16-17 from that picture. meh
  16. :D Fit sisters rock, endless potential to piss off your mate too :D"
  17. Alexx

    destop 2

    From the album: Alexx

    other computer
  18. Alexx

    Destop Small

    From the album: Alexx

    made it a whee bit smaller
  19. other than the fact nothing works / all the buttons just took me to some random site i've never seen before / no controlls, then yeah... pretty cool :)
  20. lol, i fixed it :) http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?s=&skinid=0
  21. jon is a twat. I'm now stuck on this shitty skin too. great. :)
  22. All very sweet bodges. I have my pads bodged EXACTLY like that, same screws, same thinkness, same frame and wheel to mount them on too :P That bike is lookin' mint BTW :D very classy. And finally someone who posts up details on TF :D thank youuu! :)
  23. yeah lol, I was only joking, I'm not a huge fan of NSE, but it wouldn't make any difference lol <_<
  24. Barbara from cleanbikes is ace, best bike shop company person I've spoken to, they could have at least stolen from like NSE or something, then I wouldn't really care lol <_<
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