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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. hello, i have a pair of heatsink reds cnc and they work really well on a fresh grind and create a stiffer brake
  2. Reading, Oxford or Henley, I havent been to London or Bristol yet but they are supposed to be amazing cant wait to ride there
  3. 05 Echo chequered rims!! you can buy the front and back rims for £38!! from selectbikes, thats £1 than 1 try all rim!!! they look nice, cheap and are strong, what more could you want
  4. Hello, has anyone ever made there own pads before? because some of my mates are going to make there own pads just wondering whether they are waisting there time or not Cheers Ross
  5. i have echo pads pink(GU) on a smooth rim with tar and they work really well and sound really nice too
  6. THAT PRO IS FLUFFING NICE M8!! yeah get a t-pro i have 1 at the moment, i dont have a pic but they ride really well, have a nice wheelbase, affordable and looks nice what more could u want? Cheers Ross
  7. no difference in performance but i have front and back 05 maggies and i had 04 maggies and i would say the 04 maggies are more comfortable levers to ride with but thats my opinion, but brake pads make all the difference
  8. yeah t-pro i have 1 at the moment and rides very nice, nice wheelbase, not to long not to short
  9. can you buy them koxx 3/4 shorts anywhere in england, there wicked and have been wanting them for ages, cheers, Ross
  10. i need some advice on colours for my bike, im stuck between red parts or gold parts on my t-pro, by parts i meen red or gold/orange aorta booster which should be out soon, red or gold rims and red or gold hubs Cheers Ross
  11. I have brought lots of stuff from www.trials-uk.co.uk because the parts are cheap, they stock good parts but mostly viz, depending on what brand you want but Tarty is the most reliable
  12. yesterday infact i went for a gap that was big with like 1 brick take off and 1 brick landing in henley, i went for it, lowered but for some reason didnt bring the front up so my front hit the 1 brick and my nuts came down into the stem and they started bleeding hardcore lol
  13. 18-12 on my t-pro, nice hard gearing
  14. i have GU and they work really well on a dead grind with tar, i have heatsink reds but dont work so well on tar but would do on a fresh grind, so GU on a dead grind or smooth rim with tar and heatsink reds on a fresh grind
  15. Hello, I am wanting a front disc brake and have decided on a hope xc front hub and a try all rim, i am still stuck between the avid juicy 5 or 7 but what forks would you recommened Thanks Ross
  16. www.cleanbikes.co.uk, thats where i brought mine
  17. i have an acs and its working quite well and sounds nice but get an eno, best freewheel, 72 engagement points and a viz hub, they look wicked also a try all rim, very strong quality rim
  18. that looks wicked!! look much better than circluar drills, bigger drills also meaning lighter
  19. dont get gu! i had them and they wore down to the plastic in two weeks! i had this on a grind so if you have a smooth rim and tar they should work well, but im getting heatsink reds, Cherz Ross
  20. i would get plaz, can never go wrong! koxx browns last a long time but have heard they dont have as much grip as well so go with the plazmatic , Cherz Ross
  21. i have a t-pro, had it since christmas, according to people it snaps quite easily, is this true? cherz, Ross
  22. hi, i am 14 and i can sidehop 22" after 5 months, lots of my friends taught me and i am grateful any tips on going higher? cherz, Ross
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